SeaMexican- Lost Part 2

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I see nothing as I turn around, but I see blood on the floor. Fresh blood. I go over and look at the blood, then I see a blurry spot in front of me. I reach out and feel a hand grab mine.

"A....Adam..." I hear Max's shakey voice whisper.


I see Max appear in front of me, a wound in his stomach. I quickly scoop Max up and take him out of the small mysterious room. I rush to my car as soon as we get out, not bothering to put the cover back on the manhole, and I set Max gently down in the passenger seat, then walk quickly to the driver's side.

"N....not" Max whispers. I look over at him.

"Why?! You're hurt, Max!"

" at t...the hos.... pital.." I put my head against the steering wheel lightly, as to not honk the horn.

"Alright... but... I'm calling a friend to help, okay?.." Max doesn't answer and I look over to see he's passed out, blood loss probably.

"Shit.." I mumble as I start the car and drive home.

We arrive home and I get Max out of the car, taking him inside and laying him on the couch, then I look at his wound to see it's almost all the way healed. I tilt my head and my confusion takes over. I pick Max up and take him to the bedroom, laying him gently on the bed, then I go and sit in a chair in the living room, waiting for Max to wake up and falling asleep quickly.

I awake to Max standing above me with bloodshot eyes and a knife. The last thing I remember is Max stabbing me and the sharp pain overtaking all my thoughts. I loose conciousness within a few minutes and then see a bright light. I walk towards it, going into it.

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