SeaChaos- Subject 1145

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I look at the person yelling to see a man wearing a red mario hat, staring at me with horrified eyes. I drop the knife I'm holding and wipe the blood that's on my hands onto my pants. The man backs himself into a corner and I feel a sudden urge to kill him, I know I shouldn't, because I want to get better, but.... as tempting as killing him or curing me sounds I'm a coward. Always have been, Always will be. I turn and run through the large building we're in, only to get lost, but feel relieved that I got away from the man before I hurt him. I wander the building, finding a lot of dark places someone could hide in, but thankfully no one in said places. I wander more, hoping to find a way out of the building I'm in. I go into a room to see if I can find a window or something, having no luck I turn around only to find the door blocked by the man with the red mario hat, and he has a gun pointed straight at me.

"P...Please don't..." I say, then he shoots me.

I respawn near the exit of the building, forgetting everything I had learned about the building, forgetting the name I made up for myself, and even forgetting I had died. I wander the building, my killer instinct taking over and I sense a presence near me. I grab a man in a red mario hat, stabbing him with a shiv I had obtained. I hear him gasp out in pain and a smile springs to my face, for I feel no emotion, no attachment, nothing. Not like I did before I died. Not the coward that person was, and I won't feel that feeling again until I respawn with those same emotions that got me killed, those same emotions that tell me the man I just killed was beautiful, those same emotions that tell me my name. Adam, subject 1145.

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