PewDieCry- Light and Dark

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Cry's POV:

I come home to find Pewdie in the recording room, exactly how I left him. I sigh as I head to the kitchen and start dinner that Pewdie will blow off like every other time. I cook an Irish dish in spite of our two year anniversary and fix up the table real nice, placing candles and rose petals down and calling for Pewdie.

"Felix, Dinner is re-" I stop as I hear the door burst open and hear Pewds yell. I rush to where Pewdie was last and see two men with masks on their faces, one pointing a gun at me, the other pointing one at Felix. Point blank. Felix looks at me, horrified.

"C...cry..." He whispers, then the man holding the gun to his head pulls the trigger and the man I love falls limply to the ground, his head bleeding. My eyes widen and I put my hands over my mouth to try and hold back a scream, then I look at the two men and turn quickly, running back the way I came only to get shot in the back about three times. I fall

to the ground as pain radiates through my body and I breathe out my last breath and let the darkness swallow me.

I open my eyes to find myself in a grey void filled with people wandering around. I immeadiatally spot Pewdie and rush to him, pulling him into a giant hug.

"Pewdie! Ar.... are we?"...

Pewdie looks at me and nods sadly.

"Cry... They said I could see you for only a second..." Pewdie says as he pulls me into a small embrace.

"They?" I question, and get it instantly answered as a couple of people with bright white wings appear behind Pewdie and put their hands on his shoulders.

"Cry.. I love you." He whispers to me, then disappears.

I feel my eyes tear up as I feel my heart break, then hands come up out of the ground and grab my ankles. I am slowly dragged down with them and am greeted by horned figures who aren't as scary as I would have pictured. I gasp and look around, realising where I am.

I'm in Hell.

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