Yoshikage Kira : Single Beauty

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YareYareDumbass I've finally finished your request about Yoshikage Kira with an S/O who is an amputee. Thank you so much for being patient and I hope this ticks all the boxes!

Yoshikage was such a gentle and caring man. The perfect man. He cooked, cleaned, listened to you and was generally just an absolute joy to be around. The most perfect thing about him, was that he didn't see your disability as 'a shame' or - well, a disability at all, really! It meant he could only interact with one side of you, but he truly seemed to enjoy making the effort to do so. Knife and fork on the right side? No problem. Holding your only hand on one side? Easy. Painting, trimming or filing your nails? Don't sweat.
Of course, having lived with one arm for so much of your life, you were able to do pretty much everything you needed. You didn't need  Yoshikage to assist you, but his eagerness was endearing all the same. The care he took when painting your nails or accessorising your fingers was enough to make anybody fall in love with him. How he gently pinched the bones of your knuckes and stroked along the soft, supple flesh of your moisturised hands. The way he held you, his fingers interlocking with yours like exact puzzle pieces.
He'd taken to photographing you, posing in all sorts of ways that showed off your gorgeous features and that seemingly golden hand. It was a masterpiece and he made sure you know it.
Oh, but if only you knew the true nature of his fascination.

The thought of leaving you with no hands at all was sorrowful. You only had one and whilst it belonged to him, Kira felt as though he couldn't take it from you. Strangling women with two hands for their appendages meant he could leave one with them. Perhaps they would look after it as thoroughly as he did in this life in the next. If not, at least it would remain on their person as a symbol of beauty. He could have half to cherish and love, and you could take care of your other one in the afterlife, like some sort of sick pact. To take one and leave nothing would be like taking paint away from the canvas in frame.

No. There was only one way. He had to kill you and display you in all of your glory. Leaving you with no hand was not an option.

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