NSFW Joseph Joestar : Burn, Baby

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This is honestly based on an actual porno, I have no shame. I've been waiting to tweak this just right, enjoy :)

The sweltering Luxor heat was making the situation swirl more and more dizzily in your mind. Wrapping a random shirt from the floor round your body, you wandered out in your knickers, searching for a space to think away from Jotaro's snores. The stupid kid was annoying you anyway, you should have bunked with Polnareff since you were a similar age. Since you had rented an aparthotel for the next few days, a small kitchenette sat opposite the living area, where the old Joestar slept on the couch. Tiptoeing across the cold linoleum, your leader stirred, muttering some inaudible obscenity in his sleep. Sounded like he was having a nasty dream. Joseph rolled over with a snort, leaving you in the confidence it was alright to switch on the lamp without waking him. Clicking it on, you heard something else from just over the back of the sofa. 

"Suzi Q..."
Whoever this Suzi Q was, she was giving him a hard time in the land of nod. His muscular arm shaped the backrest, your eyes following the smooth curves where he lay in the blanket of dimness. There was a window opposite the kitchenette, Luxor's expansive sea view drifting calmly beneath you. A heavy sigh dropped from your throat, your reflection in the window staring back at you.
'No', you thought. 'Absolutely not'.
There really was no other way of putting it, after all, it was like a fairy tale. Caught in a naive rut, you had literally been fucked and chucked by a vampire, then possessed by the same vampire to kill a group of people you didn't even know, through him sticking some surgical flesh noodle into your brain. Not to mention the fact he apparently stuck someone else's junk inside of you.
To add to your messed up head, what was originally diagnosed as sleep paralysis and psychosis was in fact some sort of spirit energy, called a Stand, and you find out now after a lonely childhood, that other people were like you. Experiences upon experiences of bullying, such difficulty finding friends and your parents walking out because they couldn't deal with what was being classed as poor mental health, your only bond was developed with old men who wanted nothing more than to use you. You got paid enough to keep the landlord off your case, so it didn't matter.
Sex meant nothing. Human interaction meant nothing to you, because it never had in the first place. Emptiness was now your only release. A shallow relationship just enough to keep you living, even if you weren't really living at all was enough. Tears no longer fell, you were past crying.
The only thing left was resentment, mixed in with total confusion. Your parents couldn't handle you. You were granted another chance by this DIO and you had essentially thrown it back in his face. Were you a bad person for betraying his trust?
Whether his motive was bloodlust or control didn't matter, he had saved you from the darkest place. But, this Joseph Joestar... He felt different.
Fuck, you were falling for a married man who wasn't even the slightest bit interested in you anyway. How was he any different?

Shuffling back, you took a glass from the overhead cupboard, filling it with clear tap water. Bringing it to your mouth, thoughts about why Mr Joestar was different sprung to mind. He was caring and compassionate. He made you laugh, which meant the journey was far less severe than it seemed to be. Not everything had to be serious. Not everything had to be dark and gloomy.
Then... Then there was his obvious physique. The muscles ripping through his shirt and unmistakeable piercing blue eyes, the outline in his trousers impossible not to sneak a look at. God, it sent sparks flying in your nether region just thinking about it. Taking a quick glance behind you, the man was still wrapped up in his dreams.

It was quiet, everyone was asleep and you were in a private place, surely you could just... You know. Smoothing your hand down your stomach, your nails grazed your skin over Jotaro's discarded shirt. You swallowed, shifting your weight from one leg to the other, biting your lip to avoid moaning. Slowly, your fingers were on the outside of your pants, a fingers length away from touching the goods. Fuck, were you actually going to do it? Were you actually going to touch yourself in a place like this... In such close proximity of Mr Joestar? Taking a deep breath, two fingers spread your lips just enough to pass your thumb over your clothes, provoking a shudder. You had to hurry up. If you were going to do this, you had to do it now. Keeping the glass in the other hand for insurance, you licked the tips of your fingers, dipping them into your waistband and clawing yourself. Once you managed to get a position just enough to rub your clit, you began to move in small circles. The feeling was overwhelming to say the least, thoughts of Mr Joestar in your mind wetting your slit well enough to lubricate your fingers. Shutting your eyes, another packet of spit fell down your throat, mouth hanging ajar slightly. You sighed, imagining the calloused, experienced fingers of Mr Joestar doing this to you. Humming to yourself, you were too far gone to stop now, fingers never letting up. You were just trying to get off so, there was no time for niceties or drawn out denials.
Suddenly, a low hiss forced you to jump out of your skin, hand ripping from your front.
"Sorry, sorry!"
Dropping the glass, it shattered into pieces, water pooling on the floor. Backing against the counter in fear, the owner of the sound held his hands up, genuinely apologetic he had spooked you. Exhaling heavily, the half dressed Joseph giggled a little as your eyes met under the dim light. Had he seen you?!
"Jesus Christ, JoJo—Uh-- Mr Joestar."
"Oops. Sorry Y/N. I just asked if you had trouble sleeping, but you seemed a little ah- caught up there." Kneeling to the ground, you admitted you had, awkwardly beginning to scrape up the glass with your bare, still slightly damp fingers. "Leave it! You'll cut yourself!" Purple vines flew towards the glass, gathering each piece without a sound and sweeping it out of the way.
"God, sorry. I guess you're gonna have to pay for that..."
"Ah, it's nothing. I'm more concerned with your lack of sleep. We have a lot to do tomorrow."

You were such an idiot, not only did you wake him with your neediness, but there was a chance he could smell your arousal! Pulling yourself onto the countertop, you caught those gorgeous eyes again, staring at your legs this time. He watched you wriggle a little in your place, getting comfortable with the way his stare was lapping you up. Hooking one leg over the other to disguise the obvious wet patch of your pants, you straightened your back, gulping loudly.
"Do you think I'm a bad person? Kujo didn't offer me much insight."
"Pfft. Forget him. He's a good kid, just having a hard time. I mean, you gotta remember his mom is at the forefront of all this." The old man had a point. You hadn't even considered Jotaro's mother once. "But, don't worry about Holy. She isn't your responsibility."
"I'm sorry. I feel as though I should have been more sensitive. I'll kill DIO even if it's the last thing I do... For fucking us both over."

A comfortable silence hung over the pair of you, the older man shuffling closer to your legs and letting his breath blow on your legs slightly. He wasn't sure what was pushing him over the edge like this, but he'd had his eye on you for quite some time as well. It was totally wrong, especially after his little trip to Japan earlier in his life, but he saw a broken young woman. Maybe he could make her feel better, with a kiss and a cuddle here and there?
Fucking hell, Joseph knew full well his logic was flawed, but there was a sort of magnetism he couldn't explain; plus Jotaro foolishly didn't seem interested either. Weathered eyes swept the garment hanging off your frame belonging to the very teenager you were just talking about. Bringing his prosthetic fingers up to grip the hem, you held in a gasp when the cold metal brushed your bare skin.
"Is this Jotaro's?" Embarrassed, you flushed a little.
"I just needed something to wear in order to get my glass of water. It's the first thing I picked up. Didn't want you seeing me naked now, did I?" The real estate tycoon noticed your piqued interest, flexing his mechanical joints under your gaze.
"Wondering how I lost my hand?"
"Sure, how'd you lose it?"
"Flying a plane into a volcano to kill a Aztec god, that's the truth." You chuntered, believing his tall tale.
"It doesn't go rusty when it gets wet, does it?" 
"Wanna see, baby? I don't even need a glass of water."
Steadily but surely, he leaned in to you, pressing his lips to yours, beard scratching your chin. His mouth massaged on yours, talented and experienced as his gloved fingers slid down your stomach, sweeping your wet panties. He sensed you swallow, stopping at your waistband before checking with his eyes for consent. You melted, his weathered blues eyeing you as you bit your lip.
Slipping his fingers inside your pants, you could barely contain your emotions, his other hand pulling up your shirt to expose one of your breasts. Squeezing the sides, he bent to pinch the erect bud with his teeth, sucking fervently to make you drop your jaw and stifle a whine. Clutching the cupboard door behind you and parting your legs as much as you could to grant him room to rub you, his cold, metal fingertips shocking the bundle of nerves through a layer of fabric before travelling lower. Once he slid a finger in to stretch you, then two, you were beginning to huff, adjusting yourself so you could gyrate with his movements to make it happen faster.
"Do you like that?"
"Yeah, just hurry up--!" you squealed, desperately licking the tips of your fingers so you could palm at yourself, slapping your clit and throwing your head back in absolute ecstasy. His pace picked up, your core pulling taut and irritating your throat. "Oh, don't stop," you begged, holding onto his neck and hair for dear life. Joseph was beginning to lose his cool a little, the sound of pumping fingers in such a tight vagina forcing him to bite his lip as he watched. Your orgasm was nearing so fast, you gripped hard onto the sink beside you to brace yourself, mouth hanging open as you wheezed and squealed in lilted intervals. You were so close, just about to see stars when footsteps alerted you both.
"Shit! Go!" Joseph flicked his head up, pulling his glove off and hiding it inside a cupboard up top whilst you fled to the bathroom, lying still in the bath tub. Jotaro had a habit of pissing with the light of the hallway just shining through and the steps have been so heavy set you were absolutely certain it was him.
"Old Man, what are you doing up so late?"
"I could ask you the same thing, Jotaro."
"I just need a piss, Y/N ain't in there she?"
"I uhh, haven't seen her!"
"Mm. Whatever. Night." He entered the bathroom, sticking with his usual routine of going in the dark. You laid still as a dolly case, only moving when you were positive he was gone. Going back into the living room, you met eyes with the old Joestar once again, awkwardly.
"Let's just pretend this never happened," he suggested. You agreed, mentally cursing yourself for letting it go down in the first place.

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