Jotaro Kujo : Chili Pepper

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Legit all I write about is f/reader x Jotaro I'm trashy and ashamed. Also, I know he wouldn't talk about half this stuff but idc, fight me

Reader is a ship captain, Stand is Limited Edition Heart as used in most of my stories, since I made it up
Guess this was originally a self-sert, it's also a bit rushed near the end I think but oh well


"Captain, we have two passengers aboard, um..."

The entire crew were male besides you. The Speedwagon Foundation were known for doing work overseas, and so employing a ship's crew was important in terms of security. You weren't sailing, you were too busy seeing to Mr Joestar and making phone calls to the Foundation on land regarding the Stand User in pursuit, Akira Otoishi.

"Is there a problem?" you cooed, a Japanese passport being handed to you, reluctantly. Flicking your fingers through the pages instead of going straight for the plastic card, your crew member couldn't hold back a shudder. It was common knowledge amongst Speedwagon Foundation employees that you and its owner had history spanning way back to the late eighties. It was a wonder the pair of you had never crossed paths since, considering you both worked at sea and the situation at hand: You were the only person the frailty that was Joseph Joestar trusted with his life at sea, besides his currently ill-informed grandson.
"There's no problem... They boarded about twenty minutes ago..." You flashed a concerned glance, conscious he was hiding something about Otoishi.
"Not seasick, are you?" Unwilling to confront you about the second passport, the sailor simply stood in wait, grimacing at your scheming side smile. "Well, this one, Okuyasu, is completely fine. He's never even left Morioh. Has the other passenger no passport?"
"No, Captain," he mumbled. "I have it here."

All passengers were to be checked out by any member of the crew, erasing any possibility of hijacking or otherwise. However, anybody who had travelled to two or more countries in the previous six months, whether they worked for the Foundation or not, were required to be checked by any senior member of staff.
Unfortunately, that meant Jotaro Kujo. Of course, he'd asked to speak to captain himself but was refused without a reason. Strange to him, sure, but he accepted without making a fuss.
Your eyes lit up when you opened it, stamps filled its papers galore, indicating a huge trip at some point.
"Jesus, this guy's been places; India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia... Egypt... Florida... Lot of frequent visits to Tokyo..." He flinched as your finger moved under the pages to flick to the personal details, voice caught in his throat. Before you could interrogate him on his unease the door burst open, revealing the white shirt of your second officer. The officer tipped his hat, contrite for the intrusion.
"My apologies, Captain, but there's trouble! The enemy has boarded the boat!" Gritting your teeth, your lids fell low over your eyes in a squint. Taking a sharp intake of breath, you pushed past both sailors, passport in hand being shoved into one's marine clothed chest.
"Screen the second passenger for me, I trust your judgement and we're near dock anyway. Besides, all that matters is that we keep the Old Man safe."
Your heels viciously hacked at the polished floor in your pursuit of this Stand using criminal.

Swallowing, the young sailor decided to take on his new duty of screening the second passenger. Unfortunately that meant coming up with a shit excuse as to why he couldn't speak to the captain and lying about the previous screening, but as long as the aging hamon user was safe, nothing else mattered in that moment. Rounding a corner on deck, there stood the white clad giant. He shook, worried about the biologists reaction. "Um... Here's your passport back sir." The sentence was a bumble, but it would do.
"Ah. I was wondering when you'd come back. There wasn't a problem, was there?"
"Uh, the truth is... The captain is female and is intimidated by um, unfamiliar presence." Well, that hit a dead end. Why was this guy so difficult to talk to? A pause prodded intrusive thoughts further in his mind, the little faith in his excuse diminishing by the second.
"Alright. It would have been annoying if I went myself, I'm sure."

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