Rohan Kishibe & Josuke Higashikata : Reference

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"Rohan, quit drawing me. Josuke will freak if he catches you, y'know." Shaking the tumbler, the green haired mangaka basically simpered, the thought of Josuke being irritated by his actions pleasing.
"I can't help it, Y/N. You just have such an expressive face." He caught you rolling your eyes, a little hurt that you weren't taking him seriously. Breaking a glass, the only thing that could leave your mouth was a small curse. There weren't many customers right now, just Mr Araki, a regular who frequently travelled from the centre of Tokyo to buy Morioh's own blend of coffee, an older couple who could barely hear each other, never mind yours and Rohan's conversation, you and that devilish cartoonist. Setting off some steam to clear the hot water pipe on the brewer, your foot sweeping broken shards under the cupboard at the same time.
"Why do you always order the hardest thing on the menu?"
Rohan glared. You were the same age as him, but you had fallen for that great oaf Josuke Higashikata, a delinquent going into his second year of upper secondary school, immediately making you fair game for annoyance. Despite being only seventeen your boyfriend came everyday after school to walk you home, staying until closing time if you were still working your shift. The only reason you hadn't been to school in Japan was because foreign nationals were not required to complete their education system, leaving you with no other choice but to start a career.
Josuke insisted your days as a waitress weren't forever but you weren't so sure. Finally getting Rohan's coffee right, you topped it with cream and chocolate bits, proud of your hard work. "You better like this coffee, Kishibe. Or you're banned from the shop."
"Yeah well," he dragged the cup towards him, not taking his scowl off you for one second. "I wonder what your boss would say if I was to tell him you dropped that glass." The coffee was a tad hot, but you did make a good brew. Smiling, Mr Araki briefly listened in on the conversation whilst you cleared his place. You just ignored Rohan, rolling your eyes like you always did when he talked about anything. He did care about you deep down, since you appeared to be a good friend of Koichi's. That and the fact you didn't mind him using you as reference, (usually) it was the only consolation to the fact you were in a relationship with Higashikata.
"Arigato, Araki-san." Bowing your head, mutual smiles were exchanged before the male parted, leaving a tip as he did normally before leaving for Tokyo.
"I hope to see you tomorrow, Y/N-kun."
Hurtling back towards your petty customer, he asked why you treated him differently, as if he wasn't a consumer.
"If you cost me my job, I will kill you. That's not a promise, it's a fact." Snorting, the sound was ugly coming from such a beautiful man as himself. Unamused, you just stared at him, tilting your head on your neck slightly while he laughed away.
"I'd be careful if I were you. Your stupid boyfriend burned down my house after all."
"My boyfriend isn't stupid. He's an idiot, but he's not stupid."

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