Chapter 2

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"Oh, Y/N" Eren said, making his blonde friend look over.

"Hi..." You just smiled and turned around to lock the doors.

"Eren, who is this?" The blonde guy asked, looking at me confused.

"Ah, right. Armin, this is Y/N, Y/N, this is Armin. It seems like, Y/N is our new neighbor." He said to his friend, Armin.

"Oh, nice to meet you. I didn't know someone was moving in here." He pointed with his head and stretched out his hand for a handshake, which you gladly took.

"Yes, well I just arrived here yesterday, so we didn't have a proper chance to meet." You say, finding the blonde guy kind of cute. He wasn't as tall as Eren, but still was taller than you were. He had pretty blue eyes and looked like a smart kid.

"Are you heading somewhere? We can take you if you want, since you're new here and all. It's easy to get lost." Armin offered as he looked at you with his soft eyes. You notice Eren's eyes widen a little, nudging his friend softly, as if he was telling him to stop talking.

"Oh, thank you, but I don't want to bother you... I just have to go to the grocery store to pick up some stuff." You say awkwardly, pursing your lips together.

"Oh really? Well, Eren and I are going to the store too, you can come along." He said almost excited, and before you could say anything he started walking down the stairs. You look at Eren, and he just shrugged his shoulders and followed after his friend. Not knowing what else to do, you follow them.

~Great, hope it won't be too awkward...~ You thought as you walked behind them.

"So Y/N, why did you move again?" Armin asked as he looked at you.

"College, but I kinda wanted to live here alone too." You say, looking around a little. Yesterday, you were so busy carrying your bags that you didn't notice how pretty everything was.

"Really? Where are you attending?" He seemed interested. Unlike someone. You quickly shift your gaze to Eren, only to see him texting on his phone, not really paying attention to what you were talking about.

"I'm taking med courses at the (...) university, first year." You say and saw his eyes widen.

"No way!! I go there too! I'm a second year though" You look at him in surprise.

"Wow, that's great! You do look like someone who is interested in medicine" Armin smiled at you and then looked away.

You were starting to get curious about these guys, so you couldn't help but ask.

"What about you, Eren?" You asked as you looked at him. Eren's head went up at the sound of his name.

"Huh?" He looked confused and Armin chuckled.

"He doesn't go to a uni." Armin said and you were a little surprised.

"Eren is playing for the national football team, so he doesn't have the time to attend anywhere." Armin said, noticing your confusion.

"Right, thanks Armin, but I can speak myself, you know." He shot a small glare at Armin. Just then, you heard a phone ringing. It was Armin's, so he picked it up.

"Hello?.... What!!.... Okay... I'll come right away... See you."

"Guys, it seems like I have to go, my mom said she has to go to this business trip, so I have to watch over my sister until the babysitter arrives." He said and looked over at me, worried.

"I'm sorry Y/N, Eren can take you to the store... I hope we see each other soon!"

And he rushed off, leaving you and Eren there alone.

Eren seemed a little frustrated, watching as his friend left him.

"Well... you don't have to take me there, I'll manage..." You say, trying to not bother him.

"It's fine, we're here anyways." You looked in front of you and surely, there was a big grocery store in front of you. Eren just walked in and took the shopping cart.

"So, what do you need?" He asks as you walk next to him.

"I can go from here alone, I really don't want to take your time." Eren rolled his eyes at your words.

"It's whatever, let's go." He continued walking and you sighed. Well, it is what it is. You continue shopping, placing things you needed in the cart. Eren also picked up a few things for him and Armin. You both didn't talk much, just walked around the shop. When you were done, the cart was halfway full, so you headed to the cashier.

"I can put my things first." You say as you started placing your things on the conveyor belt, but Eren interrupted.

"We'll just put it together" He said and helped you. "Consider it your welcome gift." He smirked lightly.

"This is too much..." You say to him, still not sure.

"It's not, but you can always pay me back, one way or another" You didn't really understand the meaning of his words, but decided to brush them off.

Eren ended up paying for everything and at the end you had three full bags. Eren handed you what seemed the easiest one, while he carried other two. You both walked back to your apartment, to separate your things from his.

"So, um... football huh..." You tried to start a convo as you unpack one bag. Eren just smiled and looked at you.

"Yes, football. I doubt you're interested, though" You were quite taken aback by his answer.

"Well, I know quite a few things since I usually played with my brother." You say, smiling as you remember playing football in the backyard with your brother. Eren just nods knowingly.

"It must be pretty hard to decide to quit school for something where success isn't guaranteed, right?" You just asked, trying to keep the conversation. Eren was quiet for a while, but then finally answered.

"Yeah, well, I guess sitting and staring at one book for hours isn't for everyone. After all, even after school, getting a job in your degree isn't guaranteed as well. " As you heard him say that, you felt a little hurt. You tried to think of something to say.

"I know, but I always felt like sports were an easy way out, you know? If you are lucky enough to have a little bit of talent, you can easily make it out there. I find that quite ridiculous." You didn't listen to what you were saying, and then Eren looked at you, angry.

"Well of course a nerd like you would say that ." You harshly placed down the milk on the table at his words.

~Did he seriously call me a nerd? What are we? In high school?~

You found yourself getting annoyed.
"Well, Eren, I just meant that I find it funny how doctors have to spend years and years to study, and then they still get paid less then 'professional sports players', who just run all day and boom, with a little bit of luck, they get paid like stupid superheroes" You stopped as you realized what you said. Eren looked super angry now, grabbing your wrist. You flinched at the contact.

"You sure got a lot to say, huh?" He said looking at you straight in the eyes. You didn't know what got him so angry. You try to free yourself from his grip, but he just pulls you in closer.

"L-Let go" You tried to keep your posture, but seeing him like this was terrifying. You still didn't know him, so maybe you should have been more careful with what you were saying. Eren finally let go of you, throwing your hand away and putting his stuff in a separate bag.

"I'm leaving" He scoffed and left, not even looking at you. He walked out of the doors, shutting them loudly before you could even process what happened.

~ Great...~

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