Chapter 18

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My eyes widen as I look at him. That means... Jean has some problems with anger issues too?

"He was there before me, actually. He had some serious anger issues, and he was even getting violent with the staff. We sometimes got into fights too, and it always ended with both of us in hospital. The last time I saw him, he was still the same, that's why today when I actually realized it was him... I couldn't believe he was out. Do you even know what he is capable of doing Y/N? He went against 3 bodyguards and guess who was the last one standing? Him. That's why, if you ever see him again, don't talk to him at all. I can't protect you all the time, so you have to promise me, okay?"

Eren cupped my face as his eyes were full of worry. I nodd slightly, still thinking about what he said. There is no way Jean is so bad.. is there?

For the rest of the night, we watched a movie until both of us fell asleep. Thank god I had my phone with me, so my alarm woke me up in time in the morning. I didn't want to wake up Eren so early since he said he had practice today. The rest of my day went on pretty normal - I was working, I didn't see Jean and Eren texted me a few times to check up on me.

That's actually how a whole week passed, me waking up early, working and then having lunch with Eren. Days were slowly but surely passing by and the begging of my first semester was only 5 days away.

Today was tuesday, and I was walking with Armin and Eren to the campus. Armin offered to give me the tour of this place, since it was huge, and Eren tagged along because he didn't have practice. He was holding my hand in his as he walked next to me, Armin was few steps in front of us. He was talking about all places I will need here, like library, restaurant, class numbers and everything else. He also mentioned a famous 'kissing spot' that was literally a park with a few benches behind the campus building. Eren gave him a glare and warned him I won't be needing to be there at all. Armin just shrugged his shoulders and laughed at him, seeing his friend act like that.

"And this is a notice board of all clubs and parties! Usually when someone is hosting a party, they put an invitation on here so anyone can come. It can be fun, sometimes, but too much alcohol I would say."

We stood in front of a wooden board that had a few posters pinned, most of them saying a welcome to new students. I was impressed by how good this place looked, and I didn't forget to take a few pictures so I could send them to my mom.

It was lunch time, so we stopped at the restaurant at the campus and got something to eat. We sat outside on the terrace and enjoyed our food.

"Eren? I heard there was another game this weekend? Why didn't you say anything?" Armin looked over to Eren, his mouth still full of food he was struggling to swallow. Eren raised his head up to look at the blonde boy that sat across from us. I chuckled at the sight of Armin and handed him the water bottle.

"I don't want you to come." He said simply to him, but it kind of felt that he was talking to me too. Armin looked offended and confused at the same time. I just furrowed my brows and look at Eren who was next to me. His eyes met mine and he talks again.

"After last time, I don't want anyone to see me like that again." Eren looks down to his food and plays with the plastic fork in his hand.

"Hmm, I don't think that's possible, since there will be at least two hundred people there, but you do you" Eren threw him a glare and Armin lifted his arms up in surrender. It was clear Eren was scared he would lose control again, but I believed in him. I smile and turn his face to me.

"Just focus on the game, and you'll be fine. Don't let anyone get to you."

I give him my hopefull look and it was like I saw his eyes light up. He just needed someone to give him some words of encouragement. He smiles and gives me a quick peck. I chuckle as he pulls away, before hearing Armin making a gagging sound. I blush a little but hide it by stuffing food in my mouth.

"I guess that will do, then." Eren smirked and wrapped one hand around my shoulder, pulling me closer to him.

"Okay guys, you're really not helping me feel like less of a third wheel." He tried to sound annoyed, but I notice him looking at Eren with such gentle eyes and a smile on his face. He looked kind of proud of his friend, if you will. Eren rolled his eyes and continued eating.

When we were done with our food, Eren and I walk home because Armin had to stay to help with opening preparations.

"You know, these parties are probably 30% students and 70% outsiders." Eren started talking as we walked.

"Yeah, I'm not sure if I want to attend anyway. Not my thing." I could see Eren trying to hold back his smile by biting his lip.

"Do you usually go?"

"I have to, to keep my reputation good, weirdly enough. But we usually go together just to of show ourselves and have some fun."

Eren explains, and I get that by 'we' he meant him and his friends. Greaaat. I nod and he takes my hand.

"But from now, I think my fun will be only one door away." He smirks and I slap his chest lightly, to what we both chuckle.
When we calm down, Eren sighs and stops.

"About the game..." He starts but couldn't finish.

"You said you enjoyed playing right? So go there and just play, don't think about anything else. Think about that ball and don't let anything else distract you." My hands were around his waist as I was looking up to him.

"It's hard to think only about the ball, when there is one person on my mind that whole time and it's making me crazy." He smiles teasingly and plays with my hair.

"But, if you say so." He pulls away and we walk again when Eren got a call.

Picking his phone up, he was quiet the whole time and only said a low 'Okay' before hanging up.

"My coach wants me, you wanna come with?" He was typing something on his phone while I thought about what to say.

"Am I even allowed?" Eren chuckled at how I sounded and I look at him confused.

"This will probably be about the game, not some top secret, so yeah." I roll my eyes at him and he leads us to the empty taxi that was waiting for us. We get in and arrive to the stadium for 10 minutes, but this time, we aren't headed to the main entrance, instead we walk to back doors and enter there.

Everything was completely different here, there were dressing room doors and other rooms for staff. We entered the room that said 'coach' and as I look up, my heart stops. Everyone was there. The guys, Eren's teammates and a few girls, of whom I only recognized Judy. I immediately stop and Eren looks back at me, whispering.

"We won't be here for too long."I just nodd, standing behind him. Why was I even here? This looked like a meeting. I tap him on his back and say.

"I'll wait outside.." Before he could respond, I turn around and leave, closing the door behind me.

I sigh, I just escaped what would probably be the most awkward thing ever. I sat down on the chair that was next across from the door and wait. Everything was surprisingly quiet and empty, only faint lobby music played.

Few minutes passed, Eren opens the door while his coach was still talking to him. He looked angry as he slammed the doors.

"Let's go." He didn't wait for me and started walking, meanwhile I tried to catch up with him.

"Eren... stop, what's wrong?" His long legs made long steps, and I was basically running at this point. Eren didn't answer me, but I called him out, insisting. He stops so suddenly I almost bump into his back, which wouldn't be too different from bumping into a wall.

"I'm not playing this sunday."

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