Chapter 24

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Eren storms in and I had to step back, or else he would literally run me over. He looks around my apartment as Armin enters behind him.

"What the hell is going on!?" I whisper-yell to Armin and see Eren opening my bathroom door, looking inside and then closing them again. I was barely keeping my eyes open, meanwhile these two were obviously wide awake.

"He's drunk, and high" Armin says and walks to Eren, grabbing his arm to turn him around.

"We're going now." He threatens and Eren pushes him away by his shoulders. I wanted to step in, but Armin signaled with his hand to stay in my place. I better get a good explanation of what is happening right now, or else I'll kill both of them. Slowly and painfully. Eren's eyes shift from Armin to me, and I almost flinch.

"So you're already fucking around with other guys?" He spits out at me, stepping closer to me. Armin places a palm on his chest and pushes him back.

"Calm the fuck down." I swear Armin's voice was deeper than ever heard, and his face more serious. My nerves were on high, I was so lost in what was happening.  I noticed Eren's breathing got heavier, but Armin didn't move an inch. He looked confused for a second, and I saw beads of sweat forming on his forehead. He grabs Armin by the collar and turns him around, smashing him on the wall. I scream immediately, my legs moved on their own.

"Stop it!" I grab Eren's arms and push him away with all my strength. Before I knew, my hand went flying to his cheek. I felt stinging on my palm at the contact with his skin, and I slapped him so hard his face turned bloody red. Eren didn't move, so I look at Armin.

"He's on drugs... I don't know what the hell he took, and how much.." Armin says in between short breaths, in pain. Eren was more aggressive than ever, and it seems drugs and alcohol only make it worse. Why did he take it, then? I bet he knew how it would affect him. I help Armin to straighten up, and when I look back at the place Erem stood, it was empty. We both heard a loud noise of the door closing, and then it was silent.
I take a deep breath, trying to process and think. Eren seems to be in a bad shape, mentally, if he let this happen, if he took it so far. Armin and I both silently stand in one place, not moving for couple of minutes.

"I'm sorry you had to see that" Armin says in a quiet tone, looking down. I rub my forehead and close my eyes to try and relax.

"Will he be okay?" That was the first thing I thought of, and I just said it out loud. The only question that I truly wanted an answer to.

"No... Not without you." I turn my head to look at him, furrowing my eyebrows at him.

"I think I get it... I feel like you are his safe place, his anchor... That's why he can't handle himself without you. He is completely lost, and not acting himself. Ever since he met you, he stopped taking drugs, stopping getting angry as much as before. He looked genuinely happier... "

I listen to what he was saying, and I try to understand it. I try and I try, but how does this make sense? If that was true, why did he just throw me away? Wouldn't he want to keep that kind of person close?

"Armin... Do you expect me to just go back to him and be his 'anchor'? I'm not an anchor, I'm a person for god's sake! I don't live just to help him keep his cool. So, if you expect that all your talk would make me want to crawl back to him, it won't happen. I want him to be okay, and I wanted to be with him... but he made his decision."

I shake myself away from all that 'not-knowing what to do' act. I cared for Eren. I felt a special connection with him I never felt with anyone else. But, if he wants me back... if he needs me back... he'll work on it.

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