Chapter 8

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As I was getting closer to where bathroom was, I saw Y/N standing there. She was now all changed up, looking even prettier, if that was possible. I look at my wrist watch it was 2:20 PM.  Y/N noticed me as I came closer to her and it's like her eyes lightened up. Cute.


I see Eren walking towards me, and relief washes over me. I've been waiting here for about 15 minutes, and I thought he wouldn't come. He seemed a little tensed up, though.

"You okay?" I ask him, looking in his eyes.

"Of course, now let's get going, you don't want to be late, do you?" He said and suddenly put his arm around my shoulder. I said nothing, finding the feeling quite nice... as if he was protecting me. We walked outside of the mall, into his car. When we got in, he started driving and I turned on some music to play. It wasn't a far ride, only about 10-15 minutes.

When Eren stops at the parking lot of the cafe, I took a deep breath and look at myself in the mirror. I fix my hair for the hundredth time today, as Eren was just watching me in amusement. The next thing I was looking for in my bag that was full of unnecessary things, was a blush. I loved putting on some color, and a light blush always did the trick.

"Oh come on, where are you..." I mumbled to myself. I was getting quite nervous about the interview.

"What are you looking for?" Eren asked as he looked at the bag I was holding. I look up at him and let out a sigh.

"My blush... I always carry it with me, but now I don't think I have it." I ran my fingers through my hair, and Eren hummed.

"I have it." I look over to his side, confused.

"What do you-" Before I could finish my sentence, his lips locked with mine. He kissed me gently and slowly, so I could follow along. He pulled away soon, and looked at me, smiling.

"There." He said, and I look at yourself in the small mirror. My eyes widen in realization. A light, natural pink shade covered my cheeks. I bit my lip, blushing even more. This man.

"Thank you for the ride." I open the door and before I could leave, Eren spoke.

"I'll wait for you, it shouldn't take too long, right?"

"Yeah, but are you sure?"

"I am, so just go now." He showed a motion with his hand to go, so I did. I look down at myself for the one last time, and went into a cafe. There I were greeted by a sweet lady, that took me to the office where we will do the interview. It really didn't take that long, she just asked me some basic questions.

Eventually, I luckily got the job, and they said I could start from next week. I happily left the small cafe, seeing Eren's car still at the same spot. As I open the doors, I couldn't help but to squeal happily.

"I got it!!" My smile widens as I sit down.

"Congrats, it must feel good." Eren said, a smile creeping up to his face as well.

"It does, I was so nervous..." A feeling of relief washes over, and I leaned back in the seat.

"I guess I'll be coming here more often now." Eren said as his eyes were fixed on the road, one hand on a steering wheel. I chuckled.

"Armin should come too, I bet he will like it here. " Eren laughs, finding you cute.


You guys arrived to your building, it was now 4 PM, so it was still early. Eren insisted to go to your apartment, since Armin had some of his friends from book club over. And, as Eren is, he didn't want to listen to them discuss about some boring old books. You had no other choice but to let him in, you had no other plans for today anyway.

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