7. Sharing

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Camila wakes up the next morning with a smile on her face, remembering what had happened the day before. At first, she didn’t know how to tell him her address, but when he offered for her to wait at his house before she could walk home she realized she really wanted that. She had spent a few hours with Shawn before walking back home after the rain stopped and she couldn’t erase from her head the painting he had shown her. She could see on his face how nervous he was about her reaction to it, but she was most surprised that he thought of her enough to use it as inspiration for his art. It comforted her to think she wasn’t the only one feeling this connection between the two of them, even if she wasn’t sure how to proceed about it.

 As she walks out of her bedroom and makes her way to the kitchen to have a quick breakfast before school, Camila sees her aunt walking into the house through the front door. She looks tired, taking her jacket off before collapsing on the couch after a long shift.

 Camila takes a banana from the fruit bowl and peels it off, taking a bite while looking down at her phone. She can’t help the smile on her lips as she sees a text from Shawn, a picture of the painting he had shown her, but now it was finished. The thought of him getting inspired after spending time with her crossed her mind right away, but she shut it off, not wanting to think too much of it.

 “ What is that little smile for?” Her aunt asked, making Camila blush and look up at her. “ Oh my god, you’re blushing, Camila! Is that a boy?”

 Camila immediately shook her head, looking away before closing Shawn’s text and ignoring her aunt.

 “ Okay, I’ll drop it.” Her aunt laughed as Camila felt her face burning in embarrassment. “ Do you want me to drive you to school?”

 Camila once again shook her head and walked to the door with her backpack hanging from her shoulder. She could tell her aunt was tired, so she didn’t mind walking this time. She was already driving Camila to school the days she didn’t work and since the rain hadn’t come back she saw no problem with walking.

 When she finally got to school, she noticed Shawn talking to Brian in the parking lot. She hadn’t really questioned their friendship until now, but thinking about it, it was kind of strange how different they were. She walked into the building without being noticed by them but realized she had failed when as she stopped by her locker, Brian showed up next to her.

 “ There you are.” He said, resting his back against the locker next to hers while flashing her a smile that she was sure he used to every girl. “ I thought you were running away from me.”

 Camila eyes him for a second before going back to what she was doing. She thought maybe Shawn would have told him she had been at his house the day before, but by the way Brian was acting he definitely hadn’t. She had no idea what to think of that.

 As Brian kept talking, Camila looked past him, noticing Shawn by his locker not so far from them. He looked up at her and Camila smiled, holding his gaze for a while until she heard Brian’s voice again.

 “ Okay, so what’s the deal with you and Shawn?” He asked with obvious curiosity, making her finally look away from his friend. “ You know, he’s my best friend. Maybe I can help you out with that.”

 Camila regretted looking at him when he said that because he immediately assumed she was interested in Shawn. Well, she kind of was, but she didn’t feel brave enough to do anything about it. She had to hear Brian all the way to her first class, trying to convince her she should definitely make a move on Shawn. Turns out they really are best friends because a few minutes ago Brian was trying to flirt with her, but the second she showed the slightest interest in Shawn he was convinced she was the perfect girl for his friend.

 After three boring classes, she finally had one with Shawn. She sat in front of him like she had done every day since her first day, feeling kind of nervous this time thinking maybe Brian told Shawn something, but it didn’t seem like he had. She saw him again during lunch, taking her usual seat next to him on the bench, but as she looked at her backpack she realized she had forgotten to bring something to eat. She looked at the doors to the cafeteria, dreading the possibility of having to get in line, when she felt Shawn getting closer to her on the bench.

 “ I don’t mind sharing.” He told her, offering her the bag of chips he had in his hand.

 Camila looked at him for a few seconds before giving in and taking a few chips, smiling at him as if thanking him. As Shawn shared his lunch with her, Camila noticed this was the closest they had been in that bench and she didn’t mind at all, feeling weirdly comfortable having his leg touching hers as they ate in silence.

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