31. Safe again

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Shawn smiles and tries to pay attention as Camila’s seven-year-old sister talks his ear off in the car, showing just how excited she was to see her sister again and meet her new boyfriend. Although Camila’s parents had driven all the way from a different state to see her just a few weeks ago, they didn’t think it was safe for the two of them to do the same. Camila’s father had insisted they should fly out there and even picked them up at the airport. Shawn still wasn’t sure how her father felt about him being there too, but he hadn’t complained or made any comment that showed dissatisfaction by Shawn’s presence.

 “ Did you know Mrs. Davis got a dog?” Camila’s sister asked with enthusiasm.

 “ Did she?” Camila smiled at her little sister, looking tired but not daring to ask the girl to stop talking about their neighbor’s new dog. In fact, Shawn watched with admiration while Camila gave her sister all the attention she could, making questions and laughing even though she seemed to have too much in her mind already. Seeing their interaction made him miss his sister even more.

 Camila’s father dropped her little sister off at school before driving them to the house and Shawn thought it was funny how she completely forgot about them the second she spotted her friends. Camila was in the passenger seat, looking at Shawn from time to time through the rearview mirror to make sure he was still there. He touched her shoulder to reassure her and could feel her body relaxing in seconds, not missing her father’s eyes on them when Shawn’s hand stayed on her the whole drive to the house.

 “ Oh, you’re here! Finally!” Camila’s mother walked out of the house to greet them, hugging Camila for a long time and surprising Shawn by doing the same to him. He finally understood what Camila meant about her mother. She talked a lot, not even giving them time to give her proper answers to the questions she was making.

 “ Honey, why don’t you let them rest for a little while?” Her father interrupted all the talking after they got inside the house, getting a look of relief from Camila. “ They must be tired.”

 Shawn wasn’t sure where he would be staying in the house, but her parents didn’t seem to mind when Camila guided him into her old bedroom, only getting a warning to leave the door open. They probably could see how drained and scared Camila looked from what she was actually there to do.

 “ Sorry about my mom.” Camila told him, throwing herself immediately on the bed with a sigh. “ I told you she was a lot.”

 “ It’s fine.” Shawn smiled at her. “ I kind of miss hearing mine talking my ears off.”

 “ I’m sorry.” She looked at him apologetically. “ I keep doing this.”

 “ I told you I don’t mind.” He reminded her.

 Shawn stepped into the bathroom for a few minutes, only to find Camila fast asleep already once he was back in the bedroom. Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, Shawn let his fingers touch her long hair sprawled out on the pillow. She didn’t even move as he stroked her hair, watching as even in her sleep her face looked tense and worried. He let his fingers reach her face, his thumb touching her cheek before moving in between her eyebrows to get rid of the little frown she had on her face. His eyes finally focused on the bracelet hanging from her wrist, touching the little hearts before he was interrupted by a voice coming from the door.

 “ That’s a beautiful bracelet.” Camila’s mother spoke quietly from the door in order not to wake her daughter. “ Did you give it to her?”

 “ Yes, it was my mother’s.” Shawn told her, not being sure if she even knew about his family.

 “ Do you think we can talk in the living room?” She asked calmly, like she was waiting for a moment to have him by himself without Camila.

 “ Sure.” Shawn followed her out of Camila’s bedroom, getting a little scared once he noticed her father on the couch ready to join the conversation.

 “ No need to be scared.” Her mother smiled at him. “ It’s just a talk.”

 Shawn nodded his head, taking a seat on the other end of the couch. They didn’t look like they were mad about him being there or like they were about to kick him out of their house, so that was a good thing.

 “ We wanted to thank you for being there for Camila.” Her mother told him, still smiling. “ You two seemed to have formed a beautiful bond.”

 “ We just had some time to think and process things and we both agree that you’re a really important piece on Camila’s recovery. Thank you for being there for our daughter when we didn’t know how to.” Her father’s words took Shawn by surprise. He was under the impression the man didn’t like him very much.

 “ You really don’t need to thank me for anything.” Shawn spoke after a few seconds. “ Camila was there for me too when I needed someone. She’s amazing.”

 Both her parents seemed to be looking at him with different eyes since the first time they met and he wondered if maybe they did know about his family.

 “ My sister told me about what you’ve been through.” Her mother’s words confirmed what he suspected. “ And we want you to know that if you ever need anything we’re here to help. You’re very special to Camila, which also makes you special to us.”

 Shawn was a little taken aback by her words, not expecting at all for the conversation to take that turn. He didn’t even have words to respond.

 “ Just know that you have a family in us now. We want you to feel welcomed here.” Her father spoke again and Shawn had a hard time not tearing up by hearing those words. He had definitely got everything wrong.

 “ I… don’t really know what to say.” He smiled nervously at them. “ Thank you.”

 “ Please tell me they're not bothering you.” Camila’s voice coming from the doorway made all three of them look at her. She still had the same clothes, her hair all over the place as she looked at Shawn with sleepy eyes.

 “ Of course not.” Her mother immediately said. “ We’re just talking to him.”

 “ They’re not.” Shawn laughed, not taking his eyes off her as she walked in his direction and sat down next to him.

 “ Good.” She said, wrapping her arms around his neck and resting her face on his shoulder. Shawn immediately hugged her back, feeling less nervous about showing affection to her in front of her parents.

 When it was time, her parents drove with them to the police station, both of them having taken the day off work so they could be there for her. Camila was extra nervous, tapping her foot on the floor of the car constantly as Shawn held her trembling hands. They had to wait around twenty minutes at the station before Camila was finally called to do the identification. She insisted her parents stayed out there, not wanting them to see her reaction in case the police was right, but she did insist Shawn should go with her.

 Shawn held her the whole time as they watched five guys being lined up in a room where they couldn’t see who was on the other side. Camila seemed to relax just slightly when the detective told her they weren’t able to see her, however, she seemed to tense in Shawn’s arms in seconds when she spotted one of the guys. She was having a hard time breathing when she pointed at the glass and spoke.

 “ It’s him.” She sounded so sure, her eyes focused on the guy standing on the other side with so much pain in them. No one dared question her, the detective confirming the old couple who found her had already been there and identified the same guy, but they wanted to have confirmation from her too.

 Shawn felt so much anger looking at that guy who looked the same age they were, but who had ruined Camila’s life in so many ways. However, he knew he would pay for what he did now, and making sure Camila was okay was his priority. He held her for so long back in the waiting room as she cried, her parents also trying to comfort her until she finally seemed to run out of tears. She seemed sad having to relive all those memories, but also finally relieved that she could finally feel safe again.


A/N: Next chapter is the last one...

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