23. Studying

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*[smut warning]*

Camila had her legs crossed as she sat on the chair by her desk, nervously looking at Shawn as he walked around her bedroom taking everything in, observing her personal space. His eyes went from the very small book collection she had compared to his, to a few makeup items on top of the dresser and then a pink bra hanging from the door handle that she hadn't noticed because the door had been open until he got there. He had closed it for him to look at the giant Backstreet Boys poster on the back that was already there when she moved in, apparently her aunt had a thing for boy bands, but she never got around to removing it. Camila had immediately noticed the bra she had been using earlier that day hanging from the door handle and she was praying he wouldn't notice, mostly because she knew she would start blushing, but of course he did.

" What did I say about keeping the door open?" Her aunt yelled from outside.

" Sorry." Shawn yelled back as Camila stood up and opened the door again, grateful that this would hide the bra away from Shawn's eyes.

She watched as Shawn walked to her bed and threw himself on the soft mattress, closing his eyes and sighing as he hid his face on one of the pillows. She laughed at the scene in front of her, his body messing up the books she had left there for them to study as they had planned to.

" Comfortable?" She asked in a whisper as she walked back to the desk.

" Very." He looked at her with a smirk. " It smells like you."

" Stop doing that." Camila complained, feeling her face getting hot.

" Stop doing what?" He laughed, moving to sit at the edge of the bed.

" Making me blush." She whispered with a laugh, hiding her face as she felt him pulling her closer to him.

" But you look so cute when you blush." He told her as she stood between his legs, his hands touching hers so he could see her rosy cheeks, but she quickly hid her face on his shoulder. Shawn chuckled at her reaction and pulled her body closer, holding her in his arms.

" I thought you two were going to study for a test." Camila's aunt showed up at the door and they quickly got off each other. Shawn couldn't help noticing Camila was blushing even harder. Camila climbed on the bed and opened one of the books, trying to pretend they had been studying all along. " I'm running to the grocery store to get some stuff we're running out. Anything you want?"

Camila shook her head and kept looking down at the book.

" Okay. I'll be back in a few." Her aunt then looked at Shawn before leaving, her eyes obviously giving him a warning that he better not be thinking about using this time to do anything other than studying.

They both pretended to be paying attention to the books and notes for a few minutes before Shawn couldn't stand anymore and stole a kiss from her lips. That was enough for them to be horizontal on the bed in seconds, her small body underneath his as their lips moved in sync.

" Wait." Camila whispered against his mouth, pulling away and getting off the bed to close the door again. She locked it this time, hoping this would be an advantage in case they didn't hear her aunt coming back.

Shawn was laying on his back when she got on the bed again, so she resumed the kiss and let him pull her over him. With her legs now straddling him, Camila gasped as he pulled her even closer, flushing their bodies together. It didn't take long for her sweater to be removed and suddenly she was only in a t-shirt with no bra underneath. Shawn's hands entered the shirt and his cold hand on the skin of her back made another gasp leave her lips. He eventually touched her stomach too, but never got his hand higher, not even when she shamelessly started moving her hips against his.

A muffled moan left his lips and she knew that even with both of them on jeans, he was still affected by her constant grinding on him. She moved her lips to his neck, using one of her hands to move his hands up higher and causing both of them to audibly gasp as his hand found her chest. The only thing she could think was how the sounds leaving his mouth as she kept rocking her hips and sucking his neck were heavenly, mixed with the way his hands were touching her chest under her shirt she felt like she was melting away.

" Camila." Shawn strangled out, moving his hand out from her shirt and holding her hips, using all his strength to stop her movements.

" Was that bad?" She whispered, her face still on his neck, feeling a little insecure all of a sudden.

" What?" He chuckled nervously, whispering his next words very fast. " I'm going to cum in my pants if you don't stop, so trust me there was nothing bad about what you were doing."

Camila finally looked at him, her face burning because of the answer she wasn't expecting to leave his mouth.

" Sorry." She whispered with a smile before bursting out laughing.

" You think this is funny?" He started laughing with her.

" A little bit." She confessed, laughing even harder when he turned them around on the bed and she was suddenly under him. Her laugh died quickly as his lips met the skin on her neck, taking a long time over there until she could feel him leaving a mark she would have a hard time hiding. One of his hands was touching her chest again over the thin fabric of her shirt, making its way to the skin right above the hem of her jeans after some time.

" Shawn!" She whimpered as his fingers pressed on her skin, knowing exactly where she wanted them next but not being sure if she was bold enough to ask him to. She had never done this before, but her want was bigger than her embarrassment at the moment. " Please, Shawn."

Shawn looked at her, trying to read what she was asking for when she reached down and popped open the button of her jeans. He looked at her with questioning eyes and she nodded her head, watching as he nervously took a deep breath and kissed her again. Camila felt his hand entering her jeans and underwear, gently touching her as if he had no idea what he was doing. That didn't seem to stop him though, and as his fingers spread her wetness she already knew he would have no trouble figuring out what to do. He found her clit in no time and she thought she might combust into flames in just a few seconds.

" Is this okay?" He asked, looking down at her as he inserted a finger into her.

" Yes." She gasped, completely losing her composure the second he added another one and started moving it at a steady pace. " Oh my god. Yes."

Her moans got lost in his lips as he kissed her again, his fingers working faster on her until she started convulsing around them. She had her eyes closed, the embarrassment now finally coming back as she thought about him looking at her at that moment. His fingers left her and she was about to open her eyes when she heard the front door opening.

" Shit." She whispered, looking at him and sitting up. He wasted no time in walking to her bathroom and washing his hands, but Camila only had time to button up her jeans and put on her sweater again before opening the door and sitting in front of him on the bed as they pretended to study.

Her aunt looked from the living room to the hallway, noticing the door was open and going back to the groceries in the kitchen as Camila let out the breath she was holding. She looked at Shawn and he had a book over his lap while smiling at her with red cheeks, which she knew would have definitely given them away if her aunt had walked into the room. She silently giggled and looked down at the book in front of her, blushing even harder than earlier because she could feel her underwear wet and uncomfortably sticking to her, clear evidence of what Shawn had made her feel a few minutes ago.

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