28. Everything in between

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A small smile formed on Camila’s lips as she felt Shawn kissing her face over and over, her eyes opening to find him looking down at her with so much love. She felt so much lighter after telling him everything the night before and at the same time so much more connected to him after the things they had done just a few hours earlier in that same bed.

 “ You’re up early.” Camila said, noticing how his hair was wet and he looked fresh out of the shower. It was a Saturday, so neither of them had to wake up this early.

 “ I thought you should go talk to your parents.” He brings it up, reading her perfectly because it was obvious she would try to avoid doing that. “ Your aunt called. They’re leaving after lunch, but they want to see you again.”

 Camila sighed and nodded her head before sitting up on the bed. If they were leaving, maybe they had agreed she should stay there instead of going back with them, but she wouldn’t know she didn’t talk to them.

 “ Will you go with me?” She asked, feeling his fingers on her hair.

 “ Of course.” He agreed. “ I have to confess I’m really curious to meet your parents.”

 “ You’ll definitely take that back once you meet my mom.” She laughed, then suddenly went quiet when she realized how insensitive that was. “ Sorry. That was the worst thing to say to you.” She knew he would do anything to have his mother back and here she was complaining about hers.

 “ It’s okay.” He smiled. “ You can complain about your parents in front of me. I don’t want you holding anything back because of me. Even if it’s something really stupid.”

 Shawn had a look on his face that felt like he wanted to read everything that was on her mind, like she was a puzzle he was finally getting to solve. Camila kind of knew the sentiment. She also wanted to know every single detail about him: the good, the bad, and everything in between. It was the strangest and most incredible feeling, letting someone have that much power over you.

 Camila changed into her clothes from yesterday that Shawn had put on the dryer for her and they ate a breakfast prepared by him. She had the most fun watching him cook, but the smile she had on her face quickly went away as they drove to her aunt’s house. Having Shawn next to her would make things easier, but she was still quite nervous about it.

 As the car stopped in front of the house, Camila took a deep breath and didn’t realize how long it took her until she noticed Shawn was already out of the car and opening the door for her. They walked hand in hand to the front porch and Camila squeezed his hand nervously before opening the door and guiding him inside the house. She was expecting someone to be waiting in the living room, but it was empty, so the two of them walked to the kitchen, where they could hear voices.

 “ Oh, they’re here.” Her aunt said as they entered the kitchen, finding the three of them having coffee down at the table.

 “ Hey.” Camila said cautiously. “ Sorry I ran away last night.” She looked into both of her parents' eyes as she spoke, but neither of them seemed concerned about her apology. They seemed more curious about the tall teenage boy next to her and how they were holding hands. “ Mom. Dad. This is Shawn.”

 Camila didn’t know how her father would react, but she definitely didn’t expect her mother to be silent. That was a first. But she probably still thought Shawn was the reason Camila wanted to stay, so she could imagine why she wasn’t happy about meeting him.

 “ Maybe we should talk in the living room.” Her aunt said, standing up and guiding the two teenagers to one of the couches. Her parents followed them and took a seat opposite to them while her aunt made herself comfortable in an armchair. “ Camila?”

 Her aunt gestured for her to start and Camila looked at her parents nervously. They were staring at hers and Shawn’s hands clasped together, but when Shawn tried to pull his away, she didn’t let him. She needed to know he was right there and his touch was doing a great job at slowly putting her at ease.

 “ I’m not going back.” Camila repeated what she had already told them the day before. “ And this doesn’t have anything to do with Shawn. I don’t feel safe back home.”

 “ Honey, you have nothing to worry about. We’ll keep you safe.” Her father was the first one to speak and she could tell he really meant it, but he didn’t understand how she truly felt.

 “ You don’t get it. I know you would do anything to protect me, but this is not what this is about. I can't live in that city knowing he never got caught. I will always have to watch my back everywhere I go thinking he might find me again. I don’t want to live like that again, like I can’t even breathe.”

 Camila closed her eyes as she breathed in and out, hoping her words would get through them. She felt Shawn’s thumb running circles on her skin and when she opened her eyes, he was already looking down at her. He looked like he was proud she had finally spoken up and told them her truth.

 “ I had no idea you felt this way.” Her mother said after what must have been almost five minutes of complete silence in the room. After an exchange of meaningful looks between her parents, her mother stood up and took a seat on Camila’s other side, pulling her into a tight embrace as Camila finally let go of Shawn’s hand. “ We had already agreed to let you stay, but thank you for finally letting us know how this is affecting you. We’re just so happy you’re finally speaking again.”

 Camila had a big smile on her lips when she pulled away from her mother’s embrace, finding her aunt smiling at her like they had accomplished something together.

 “ And it’s really nice to meet you, Shawn.” Her mother spoke again, finally acknowledging his presence. “ We didn’t mean to be rude to you. It’s just that we never saw Camila with a boyfriend before. Wait, he’s your boyfriend, right?”

 “ Yes, mom.” Camila laughed, feeling a tear escaping her eyes and quickly wiping it with her hand.

 “ I’m really happy to meet you both too.” Shawn said shyly, making Camila laugh again because of how cute he looked right at that moment. She also noticed her dad was being too quiet and didn’t once speak directly to Shawn, but he didn’t seem angry either. Maybe he just needed some time to get used to the idea of Camila being grown enough to actually have a boyfriend.


A/N: Here it is. I was so happy to see you guys still wanted updates. I hope you like this chapter 🥺💕

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