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Your POV:
I've been traveling for centuries. I've been all over the world by now and I like Fiore the most. So I'm staying here.

I haven't had a full on conversation with any real person in a while.

So I've been writing in a journal I bought.
But today I realized haven't put my backstory and how my curse started. So I'm going to put it in now.


I was born into a nice and peaceful family. The village I was born in was a secluded quiet village everyone knew each other.
So when word came out that my mother was pregnant the whole village was happy.

At least that is what my father said.

When I was finally born there was apparently a huge party.

I grew up in that village and loved it there. I lived there until I was about 12. That's when it happened. The worst day of my life.

It was a normal day at my village that was until dragons showed up. My village had dragons show up before but they were the ones that liked humans. The ones that showed up that day were the ones that didn't.

Those dragons slaughtered the entire village I was the only survivor.... sort of.
I was close to death when a dragon came and killed the other dragons.

The dragon was about to leave when it heard me coughing up blood.
The dragon came to my aid and dropped some of its blood into my mouth and told me to swallow it.

I did what I was told to because I didn't really have an other choice.
When I swallowed it I felt my cuts and gashes stop bleeding and felt my arms again.

I was able to move my arms again. I looked up at the dragon but before I could say anything it talked.

"I know you may have questions but I'm only going to tell you this. Since I gave you some of my blood you are going to be half dragon. But not right now because it takes time for my blood to fully mix with yours. But soon you will be able to grow wings and scales on command. And possibly a dragon mode."

"Now since I don't want you to try to use your new power and end up destroying a city you are going to train with me."

I nodded

"Since your going to train me shouldn't we know each other's names? I'll go first! I'm Y/N."
"Fine, I'm Grim. But I'm also the one who judges where dragons go after death so I'm mostly called the grim reaper."

"Wow is that fun?"

"Sometimes....sometimes it's fun putting bad dragons where they belong."

"Anyway let's get going"

Grims POV:
Y/N then climbed onto my back and I started to fly.
When we started to fly I started to talk to myself:

Inside Grims head:

This kid he has something that makes him out of the ordinary other that the blood I gave him. I sense that he can have and master multiple strong types of magic.

Luckily he shouldn't know that yet then again he can posses and master them but I can't seem to specify which ones.

I'll just teach him my dragon slaying magic for now and since he can master the other types of magic he can somehow posses he should be fine.

Time skip 5 years later

It's been 5 years since Grim saved me. Throughout the 5 years he has taught me some weird type of dragon slaying magic. Not only that I now became the Grim reaper of the humans. I also learned how to play the guitar.

Oh yeah and the dragon slaying magic he taught me I use the souls of the under world and the souls of the heavens as a last resort.
Well about a month ago Grim left saying he had to do something and never came back.

And I learned some new types of magic too.
They're called: necromancy, possession, transformation, talking to animals and lastly the magic I hate the most death magic.

Time skip 30 years later

It's been 30 years since grim left and I found out that learning death magic has backfired. I'm now 47 and still look like a twenty one year old. 
But it still comes with a mega pro.... I still get laid!

Yeah that's like the only thing I enjoyed. Also I have now visited almost every single country in the world and I am staying in Fiore because I like it more.

Throughout the years I've spent my time here I became more and more like a grim reaper.
Whenever somebody dies they come to me and I see where that go heaven or hell.

I also have a dog to help with my "job".
I also made a little name for myself. People call me the wondering bard mostly because whenever I come to towns I usually play my guitar and leave not saying a word. I also tend to play it while traveling and people hear it.

Present time:

And that's that. Now that I think about it it's been over 700 years since I was born. So guess that means I'm seven hundred years old.
And my dog is also immortal now his name reaper mostly because he is usually with me when I judge people. He is also a pure breed wolf but I still call him my dog.

And nobody in Fiore haven't not heard of my title the "wondering bard".

Anyways since I learned necromancy I sometimes summon skeletons for company. I also learned that what I teach to them they remember it forever which is good. I now have a little band. The skeletons taught themselves.

While I was walking I was coming towards a town. I decided to stop and stay there for a bit. I haven't done that in a while so why not?
Turns out that this town is called Hargeon a port city.

I decided to go to the tavern so I can play a little music.
When I walked in all you could hear were drunkards talking to each other about their problems. I wasn't surprised I am used to hearing this.

I got in a corner and got out my guitar, summoned some skeletons and started playing a song called: "seven nations army"

I can't be bothered to type the words

After I finished the song I sent my skeletons back and left behind a cheering tavern. I looked for a place to stay because I haven't slept in years.

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