Chapter 10

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I woke up before everyone else so while I waited for them to wake up I decided to summon a skeleton to get me some breakfast.

After a few minutes the skeleton got back and Erza opened the door.
We just looked at each other in silence while my skeletons disappeared and I grabbed my food to start eating eat in front of her.

We just stared at each other while I was eating my food slowly while she was taking in the whole thing.

Erza: what....did I see?

Y/N: you aren't supposed to see that......

"How the hell can you use magic with the cuffs?! They're supposed to make the wearer not be able to use magic!"

"Then your cuffs suck then."

"Ugh..... I can't believe this."

She then slammed the door and I heard her walk away.
When everyone else woke up we got dressed and went back to the carriage.

The carriage ride went smoothly and silently with Erza staring me down from what I'm guessing what she saw from this morning.

Time skip 5 hours later and a lot of barfing noises

After 5 hours we finally arrived at the village I supposedly massacred and everyone was living their life like nothing happened.......cause nothing did.

Erza: hmmmmm.... It seems that the village wasn't

Natsu: what makes you think that so easily?! We'll ask some people if anyone was killed by him.

Natsu then found some random lady carrying a basket of fruits and vegetables and asked her if I killed anyone.

Lady: hmmmm... no I haven't seen him before and I'm sure I would remember someone where a demon looking mask coming to our village. But some of our hunters went up to a mountain a few miles north and never came back. We would appreciate it if you guys could find them.

Erza: of course we will!

The lady thanked them and left.

Erza: All right everyone since he hasn't massacred this village he is free to go and then we will go to the mountain and look for the hunters.

Laxus then came up to me and tried to take the cuffs off me Butt I already took them off much to their surprise but they didn't question it.

Y/N: well since I wasn't found guilty I'm going to be on my merry way to the mountain.

Erza: wait what do you mean? You don't have to help us.

Y/N: listen sure I may not do much to help villages when I visit them but if I'm there and there's a problem I help.

Erza: you know.......that's admirable for you to do that.

Y/N: thanks.

You decided to go alone with Anubis. With everyone else running to keep try up with you.

You arrived long before everyone else but as soon as you entered a cave you felt an explosion coming but you didn't have time to take cover so it ended up blowing you way.

You landed on the snow with ash covering you it didn't do a lot of damage but the fall still kinda hurt.
You got up and saw a huge Skelton in the shape of a dragon.

Y/N thoughts: oooohh.... This is gonna be fuuuuun.

You get up and stand to face it.
It made a loud roar at you to try and scare you
When it realized his roar did nothing the dragon then started to charge at you.

You start running towards the dragon as well.

You jump to get to the height of the dragon and ready a punch......then


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