Chapter 4

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Decided to just keep it to Erza for now


Time skip 2 weeks later

Location: walking down the main road of a town

It's been a few weeks since I encountered fairy tail.
During those few weeks I overheard that they have been getting in a lot of trouble lately.
I'm not that surprised. Especially with them being energetic.

I was minding my own about to enter a tavern when I suddenly felt someone trying to ambush me with a flaming fist.

I grabbed their hand and threw them over my shoulder to see who they were.

And somehow it was the pink haired guy that's apart of fairy tail.
I turned around and saw a blonde haired girl and the red haired girl, a guy that has a blue or black coat and a flying cat running/flying towards me.

I picked up the pink haired guy by his arm and put him asid and walked inside the tavern and tried to avoid any questions.

I got on a flat area nobody was using and started to play a song called:
Bust your kneecaps

Sorry I'm not gonna put the song from now on it won't let me type the rest of the story when I put it in

I was just playing enjoying my time and tips while playing when I saw the doors open.
I looked up and saw the pink haired guy all mad and stuff.

He marched over to me and tried to start an argument with me.


Then he tried to punch me again until he sniffed for some reason.

"You. You smell like a dragon. Do you know where a dragon named Igneel is?"
He said crouching down to me.

I didn't say anything and decided to pack my things and leave.

"Whistle. Come here boy we're leaving."

My "dog" got up and started to walk towards me.


I ignored him and walked out of the tavern.
Until he tried to punch me again.

I grabbed his arm and threw him over my shoulder again.
He got up and got into a fighting as did I.

I sensed some of his friends coming from behind me, so when he tried to punch me I jumped over him so I can get a view of him and his friends.

They all got into a fighting stance.
I knew this would be hard even though I've been training longer than they have it's still a 4v1.

To even the odds I summoned three skeleton warriors to help me.
The look on their faces was amazing.

Then the red haired girl started to speak.
"You. I remember you, you are the bard I approached at the cliff!"

I didn't say anything and decided to send my skeletons away.
I sensed that they were all powerful mages but not powerful enough. I didn't want to wast my time and grabbed my things again and tried to walk off.

That was until the pink and black haired guys decided to try and ambush me.

I dodged them with ease and dropped my things and decided to fight back, for real this time.

The red head exuded to speak again.
"I thought I told you that if you ever become a threat to the kingdom I WILL hunt you down."

I finally decided to speak again.
"Oh yeah? Then what did I do? All I can remember from the past two weeks I've just been traveling playing my guitar at taverns and on the road. Is that illegal now?!

"Lies. We have been told that you have attacked multiple villages and killed many innocent people."

"Who told you that bullshit information? I'm also pretty surprised that you found me."

"For one our client said that one of his family members lived at one of the villages you destroyed. And two it took a lot longer than you thought."

"Tch. So you're just gonna believe what a random person tells you without knowing the other side of the story? That's quite unprofessional."

When I said that I saw her visibly get angry and tried to attack me. I smirked and she got even more angry.

"Why you...."

She then equipped armor and summoned a bunch of swords to her side.

"The wondering bard, you are under arrest for your crimes against the kingdom of Fiore and I will make sure you get the punishment you deserve."

"Oooooh, I'm so scared."

Her and her teammates then rushed at me. But for some reason I felt time stop and music playing.

Authors note
Hey sorry for not updating in a while. School started and it's been a real pain.
Anyways thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed:)

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