Chapter 12

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Erza POV:
When morning finally came we all got up had breakfast and left on our way back to magnolia on our carriages.

And few hours in Natsu stopped being sick and sniffed the air in the carriage which confused us.

He soon said he smells blood.

That got all of our attention and I said to lead us to it.
When we stopped the carriage and got off Natsu and the rest of us started sprinting behind him.

When we got to where Natsu said blood was all we saw dead bodies with blood coming out of them.
And you could easily see where the blood was coming from.

Lucy: Oh my god. I think I'm gonna be sick.

Gray: who the hell would do something like this?

Soon Natsu said he smells somebody else nearby. And when we went to look for them we saw a woman on the ground.

We went to make sure she was okay but luckily she was unconscious.
We decided to take her with us to magnolia so when she wakes up we could question her.

Time skip to magnolia

Mirajane POV:
I was cleaning some cups at the guilds bar when suddenly the door opened and in stepped the squad Erza formed to stop some murderer.
I still don't know why she needed this many powerful people just to stop one man. I'll ask her later.

Anyway Natsu walked up to the infirmary with a woman in his hands I wanted to ask him who it was but then Erza approached me.

Erza: Mira

Mira: yes Erza?

Erza: I would appreciate it if you would help me take care of the woman we brought in.

Mira: I will, but who is she?

Erza: sighs when we went to go capture that murderer it ended up he didn't massacre the village.

Mira: Oh?

Erza: so we let him go and the next day we were on our way back here but then Natsu said he smelled blood. So when we went to investigate we saw a bunch of dead bodies on the floor with blood pouring out of every one.
Then we found the woman behind some bushes but she was unconscious so we decided to take her here so that when she wakes up we could question her.

Mira: that is some story Erza, but in any case I'll help you take care of her till she wakes up.

Erza: thank you Mira.

Soon Erza went upstairs to tell master what happened.

Time skip 1 week later

Mira POV:
I was walking up the stairs to the infirmary to check up on the patient and when I walked in I saw her sitting up and looking out the window.

Mira: Oh, your finally awake.

Woman: Hmm, oh where am I? I dont remember being here.

Mira: Well from what im told Erza and her squad found you in a forest unconscious.

Woman: Oh, well I appreciate you guys taking care of me but I must get back to my village they are probably worried about me.

Mira: Well before you do I have to tell Erza your awake.

Woman: Ok

Mira: Oh and before I forget whats your name?

Woman: Oh yeah im sorry I didnt introduce myself but my name is Emi Kamazuki.

Mira: Ok, well It was nice meeting you rest well until you can leave.

Emi: Ok, and thank you for taking care of me.

Mira: My pleasure.

After I left I went to find Erza to tell her Emi is awake, now that I realize it she probably never told her name to anyone here but me. Ill just tell her that she's awake.

Mira: Erza!

Erza: Hmm. Yes Mira?

Mira: The lady you brought back is awake now and her name is Emi by the way.

Erza: Ok, thank you for telling me ill go get Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and everyone else.

Mira: Ok, good luck!

Erza POV:
After I went to get everyone else we all went into the infirmary.

When we walked in we saw Emi sitting up and looking out the window.

Erza: (Coughs)

Emi: Hmm? Oh you must be the ones Mira said found me in the forest.

Erza: Yes we were, now we wanted to question you on what happened when we got to you.

Emi: Oh yes you guys must be talking about the men that the man in the demon mask saved me from.

Natsu: Saved?

Emi: Yes, the man in the demon mask saved me from them. Those men tried to kidnap me and then the man came out of nowhere and killed all of them.

Natsu: They might've been kidnappers but damn, what we saw was a massacre.

Emi: Oh yes I saw everything, I must've passed out from the amount of blood I saw and dead bodies.

Erza: Well I thank you for helping us identify who did kill them.

Emi: Well if you did then I hope you don't charge them because I do appreciate them saving me and if you do end up running into them I hope you tell them that I said thank you.

Erza: I will tell him.

Emi: Thank you.

Erza: No problem

After we left I went to master and told him about everything that happened. While I was there master said that we got tasked with taking out a dark guild apart of the baram alliance, he also told me he was going to make an announcement to the guild telling them about the task.

I went downstairs to get some food and a drink and relax.

When I got downstairs and ordered my food I soon finished it once it came, before I realized it I started to get drowsy I soon fell asleep at the guild bar.

Ok so it turns out that I finish and publish 2 a month and THEN forget about it for a few months and then repeat

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