Do You Know Eva- Chapter Six

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Do You Know Eva?


-Chapter Six-



“Here okay?” The taxi man asks.

“Here is fine.” I reply. I open my purse and pull out a twenty dollar bill. I slide my hand through to him.

“No, it’s okay doll. You don’t need to pay.” He says, pushing my hand away.

“Are you sure?” I ask. I feel like I have to pay.

“Just go doll.”


“No problem.”

I open the door to the yellow cab, dragging my suit case with me. How did I get here? I think. I cannot remember anything. Everything seems grey. What have I got in my suit case? What do I need to bring there?

The taxi pulls away. No going back now. Another taxi fills its space. An old man steps out onto the pavement from the cab. He looks scared, like me. As that taxi pulls away, another takes its place. The taxis will be never ending. I walk up to the doors of the airport. They slide open revealing a busy LAX airport. People rush by, grabbing bags, saying goodbye. Most are saying goodbye. But I guess that’s what they do at an airport. My passport sits in my pocket. Most of the people here are old, but there are some young people. There are even some children.

I walk forward towards the check in counter. There is no queue as there are hundreds of counters, almost one for everyone.  This doesn’t seem like any airport I have ever been to. Then again, I have only ever been to one. Everything here is calm, peaceful and relaxed. There are no delays or terrorists, just calm.

I approach the woman behind the counter. She wears a green uniform. Her brunette hair is tied u in a bun. She looks beautiful, angelic.

“Passport please.” She says.

I hand her the small, blue passport. I find it weird that this small book can hold all my information. Even a stranger could find out everything they need to know about me from this little book.

“Welcome to LAX, Evangeline.”

“Eva. It’s Eva. Thank you.”

“Place your bag onto the belt and your all set.”

I do as she says and smile as I walk away. I make my way to terminal four and when I reach it, I take a seat in front of a huge window. I can see all the planes taking off into a stunningly, bright light. So bright that I cannot look any longer.

The light feels warm, even to someone like me. It makes me feel that I can be accepted in the light. Everyone is accepted in the light.

As I wait for the man behind the intercom to tell me when my plane is boarding, I start to hear this thumping sound in my chest. I place my hand over the top centre of my chest. BOOM-BOOM. BOOM-BOOM. What is this noise? Why does it feel so strange, yet so familiar?

My chest is pulled forward, resulting in me dropping my bag onto the floor. The strange noise in my chest fades. I get onto my knees and start to pick up the items that fell. While on the ground I notice a girl, my age, walking towards me. She is stunning. Her long blonde hair hangs past her shoulders. She wears a long white dress. More like a night dress. She drops to her knees and helps me.

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