Do You Know Eva- Chapter Eighteen

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who Read this Book! I LOVE YOU!

Do You Know Eva?


-Chapter Eighteen-

-The Getaway–

Part II


Tonie Saunders had always been one of the guys. She did have girl friends, but she preferred hanging with boys. One night, while out celebrating her recent graduation from college with the guys, her phone rang. It was her mother, begging her to return soon, it was nearing midnight and the rain was beating down heavily over the town of Lucan. Tonie promised that she would leave the bar soon. While picking up her bag, her friend asked her to join him for one last drink before she returned home. She looked at him and then to do the door, before deciding to enjoy one more drink, which led to one more. And, soon enough it was 1AM in the morning. She picked up her bag, said goodbye to her friends and walked into the parking lot. She rummaged through her bag in search of her keys, it took her a minute or so to find them and when she did thy slipped her hands and fell onto the wet ground.

She finally got to her car, but her car being as old as it was, it took longer than it should to start; the engine just kept on failing. Finally, the car started and she was on the road. The rain bet down hard on her windshield making it hard for her to see the country road. Her bag was resting on the passenger’s seat beside her but slid off when she turned a sharp corner. The bag landed in the space in front of the chair. Her phone buzzed; it was her mother. She was probably getting worried now. Tonie decided she better answer it. She bent down and reached across to grab the vibrating phone, but could not reach. The car swayed with her movements. If her friend had not asked her to stay for one more drink, if she hadn’t of dropped her keys or if her car had started the first time round, Tonie would have driven right by them; but no, she did stay fro that one last drink, she did drop her keys and her engine did not start. Instead, she drove right into them.

* * * * *

“Well if it isn’t little Jessie Jane,” Brian says, almost laughing.

Jessica clenches her fists at the sound of his voice. He is small and rather large. He wears a dirty, sleeveless vest. His greasy hair is slicked back off of his unshaven face. No wonder he preys on kids; no woman would ever take him. His lips curl as he analyzes the fine woman that Jessica has become.

“What are you doing back here?” he asks in a southern accent.

“I need to let you know the pain you have caused me.” Jessica replies, without looking at him; she stares at the ground. 

“Well, let’s here it then sweetum’s.”

“What you did to me for unforgiveable and has made major impacts on the way my life has been shaped. I can’t be touched,” she painfully admits, “and if I am ever to be… touched again, you need to know that what you done to me was wrong.”

“And what did I do to you?” he asks, a cheeky grin on his face.

“You raped me.” she says, emotion in her tone.

“If you're going t accuse me of such an act, you look me in the eyes girl!” he spits. Jessica looks up, into the eyes of the man that has caused her such pain. I even feel frightened. I take a step back; Jessica needs to deal with this by herself. Brian leans against the door frame. They talk for about five minutes before things really heat up.

“No Brian! What you did to me was wrong. And God as my witness, I will get my revenge. You will pay for what you did. It may not be now, but you will get what you deserve.”

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