Do You Know Eva- Chapter Ten

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  • Dedicated to To All of You Who Have Read and Followed Eva's Journey so far! You are the best!

Do You Know Eva?


-Chapter Ten-

-The Prodigal Mother–


She enters the house as if she never left, she might be just returning from the store. I barely had time to react when she walked into the living room, I was expecting my father.

“Susan!” that was all I could muster.

“Hello Eva. How are you doing.” And that was all she could muster. There was no awkward hug or not even an ‘I’m sorry for stabbing you in the back and leaving you alone.’ There is just silence. Jessica stands in the corner playing with her fingers. Finally Susan breaks the silence and turns to Jessica.

“Jessica could you give me and my daughter a moment please?” she asks, pleasantly. I hadn’t even noticed her clothing. She was wearing a black suit jacket with a matching skirt. Her dirty blonde hair was now highlighted and tied up in a bun. I swear she looked business like. All she was missing was a brief case. Jessica looks to me, scared to move.

“It’s okay Jess. Go wait in my bedroom, we won’t be long here.”

Jessica nods and heads up the stairs. I hear her footsteps above.

“Sit, Eva.”

Eva? She never calls me Eva.

“Why are you back?” I ask, without sitting. Susan sits on the couch and examines the room.

“I see you tidied up the place. Looks nice.” She says avoiding the question.

“Susan! Why did you come back.” It all happened quite fast, in an instant she broke down, her head was in her legs and she was fighting as hard as she could to hold back the tears but eventually her emotions got the better of her and she erupted.

“Eva… I am so, so sorry. Words cannot describe how I feel right now. I wish…” she splutters, wipes her eyes and continues, “I wish I could take it all back. It was never my intention to hurt you, darling. Nor was it ever a try to kill you. I don’t know what I was thinking… what was going through my head? I am sick Eva. I need help. You can help me Eva.”

“And why would I want to help you?”

“Because, I am your mother.” As if it was the obvious answer.

“And I am your daughter yet you still stabbed me. Look what you did to me!” I pull up my shirt and turn around, showing her the scar. She flinches at this sight, almost revolted by it. 

“Eva please… allow me to explain what happened in my absence.” I nod. She sits up straight.

“The night I... stabbed you, I feel into a dark, dark place. I didn’t know what to do with myself. I tried to take my own life, but the lord did not want me yet. Eventually I found my way to a program, one of these twelve steps things, and the people… they were so nice. They listened as I told them about Scott and you. They saw the good in me. And even when I told them what I did to you, they didn’t turn their back on me, they helped me. They told me that if I was to ever get better I would need to get forgiveness off of those who I have hurt. Eva, you are the only person I want forgiveness from.” She explains. Part of me feels a bit of sympathy for her but then I remember what she did to me.

“Forgiveness is not something you can buy, Susan. You have to really mean it.”

“Eva, I have never been sorrier in my whole life.”

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