Do You Know Eva- Chapter Two

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Do You Know Eva?

-Chapter Two-

-The Human Diary-

     I never really noticed how dirty our bathroom ceiling is. I spend hours in here most days and never looked up. Now, I only have the ceiling to look at. I never imagined it would take this long to, well, die. They say death is something that we all must face and that it has no schedule. If only that were not true, I would have purchased an express ticket out of here. Cobwebs, leak stains and cracked tiles destroy the bathroom. I use my last ounce of strength to keep myself under water. Just as I am about to leave- the light at the end of the tunnel growing brighter and brighter by the second- I see a pair of arms plunge into the water.

I'm struggling. Thrashing. Water splashes onto the white tiles. Surely she will hear, then again she's probably passed out on the couch, as usual around this time. The arms grip my shoulders and try pull me out. I'm screaming under water now. I catch sight of a silver bracelet wrapped around the strangers wrist. I can safely say it is not Susan trying to save me. It is definitely a man, but no one else is ever in our house. Still screaming, thrashing. The lights above me are twinkling from the thunder and then my head meets the side of the bath tub and the struggling stops- the arms pull me out and next I am laying on the tiles, starring at the bathrooms wooden door and I watch as the stranger leaves. I pass out moments later.

You ever have one of those sleeps where you find yourself being constantly awakened and in a haze? When I open my eyes, the fluorescent lights above me burn them. My hair is still dripping wet, it looks almost black. I am being wheeled on a bed. I shift to the side and cough up a mouthful of water. I can hear muffled voices, they are talking to me, a man is looking at me telling me everything is going to be alright. I take hold of his arm, grip it tightly, and try focus on him but everything is twirling.

“What have we got here?” a mans voice asks. He's not even looking at me, instead he gazes at a clipboard. The man pushing my bed answers him.

“Evangeline Lynch. Aged sixteen- attempted suicide by drowning.” His reply finally makes the doctor take notice. He knows me, and I know him.

“Again, Eva?” Doctor Sheehan says. He turns to the male nurse. “What's her status?”

“I tried to get as much water out of her as possible during CPR. She appears to be breathing normally again. We need to keep an eye on her though.”

“I've been doing that since she first came here. Get her into a patient room, give her a blanket and keep her warm, she could suffer from hypothermia. Make sure you give her some oxygen too, we need to get as much oxygen back into her bloodstream as possible.”

The nurse wheels my bed into a patient room, Sheehan following behind him with his clipboard. The room is large and cold, dimly lit. There is only two other patients in the room, both asleep. I only realize then that its the middle of the night. The thunder is still flashing outside.

I will later learn that the elderly man beside my bed is Gabe- lung cancer. His coughs would keep anyone awake during the night. The other is a boy, dark features. His name is Jack, he has anorexia, he is so skinny! But I will never get to know these people as well as I had hoped. And then on the other side is me, Eva Lynch. The girl who tried to kill herself.

Late at night I can hear the nurses talking about me. They stand at the door, looking at me from the top of their high hill. They do not know me or care for me, only judge- just like everyone else. Their whispers hurt just as much as the ones in school. They think I'm asleep but I've learned to sleep with one eye open.

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