Do You Know Eva- Chapter Seven

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Do You Know Eva?


-Chapter Seven-

-Whose Side Are You On?–


Jessica grabs my hand as I lay in the hospital bed in my private room.

“How are you feeling?” She asks. Her eyes bear big, black circles underneath them. Her throat is hoarse.

“How long have you been here?” I ask.

“Just the past month,” my jaw drops, “totally kidding Eva. Since you came back to us yesterday.”

“You don’t have to stay with me, you know.”

“I know. But I want to.”

Her hand is warm, nestled in mine. Tubes are connected into my arms. A heart monitor beeps.

“What happened Eva? Why did Susan stab you.” Hearing Jessica say the word stab really hits me hard. My own mother tried to kill me.

“We had a fight. She got angry…” I look to the floor.

“And stabbed you.” Jessica finishes my sentence. She looks even angrier than I should be. “Here I bought you something.”

She bends over and lifts up a brown paper bag and hands it to me.

I pull out the rectangular object.

“Wow. Jessica! You shouldn’t of had.” I say analyzing a top of the range sketch pad.

“There's more in there.”

I root around. At the end of the bag there is a box and a card. I open the box revealing a set of pencils, a few of them colored. I smile.

“Open the card.” She says. I pull the purple envelope and take put the card. On the front it says ‘Get Well Soon’. But nothing could have prepared me for what was written on the inside. I pull over the card and see that my whole grade and a few teachers had signed the card. Even the people who picked on me, called me a dyke, had signed the card.


“See Eva, you are not alone.”

“Thank you Jessica. This has lifted my spirits so much.” I let a tear drop onto the card. “Oh gosh, look at me. Why I am crying, I don’t know.”

“It’s okay Eva. Okay, I’m gonna go home. Have a shower. I think I saw a nurse winch when she seen me.” I laugh.

“Get better Eva. I’ll come back to pick you up tomorrow.”

“Okay Jess. Thanks for everything.” I spread my arms inviting her in for a hug. She leans in and hugs me lightly then pecks me on the cheek.

“Goodbye Eva.” She smiles and walks out of the small room.

I look around. I drag my legs around the side of the bed and stand up, using all my energy. I take a few small steps over to the chair that Jessica was sitting in, beside the window. I look out to the outside world. It is a beautiful day outside Rivendale Hospital. The sun shines high up in the sky, the birds sing happily. I shift my feet. They hit of something cold. I look down. Jessica has left her bag here. I rest the pink leather bag on my legs. Suddenly the bag starts vibrating. I unzip it and see Jessica’s cell lighting up and buzzing. I pull out the reluctant phone but it stops ringing.

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