Do You Know Eva- Chapter Thirteen

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Do You Know Eva?


-Chapter Thirteen-

-Alone Like You–

The beach is empty at this time of the morning, besides one girl sitting on the sand in front of the ocean. She sits so the waves flow over her bare feet. Her long, black hair is being held down by a hood so the wind and drizzling rain won’t ruin it. She seems so familiar to me, but I can’t quite place her. I swam from the pier down to the beach last night. It was never my intention to commit suicide, I just wanted to clear my mind, let the water run through my mind instead of the thoughts of yesterday. The sun is trapped behind mountains of grey clouds; it keeps trying to escape only to be met with even darker clouds. A storm is coming.

With my shoes in my hand, I walk along the beach gazing out into the ocean. It’s a Saturday morning; no one will be looking for me. I come closer and closer to the girl; I want t say something to her. I want to ask her where I recognize her from and what she is doing on the beach so early but I decide against it. I pass her by, the sound of blaring rock music emits from her earphones. She is curled up into something, a book maybe. As I pass her by I take a glimpse over her shoulder, an attempt to see what she is so wound up in. She spots me eyeing her and turns around quickly, closing a note book.

“Sorry. I was just… actually I don’t know what I was doing, just curious to see what you were doing.” I say, almost to fast for any human to understand. She smiles, pulls out her earphones and says:


I laugh, she laughs too.

“Never mind. Hey, where do I know you from?” I ask, changing the subject.

“I think I go to your school. Your name is Eva, right?” she says.

“We do? I recognized you from somewhere but I didn’t think it was from school. Yes, my name is Eva. Sorry but what's your name?”

She stands up, brushes the sand off of her black trousers and extends her hand.

“The name’s Eilish.” She says smiling. I take her hand and while shaking, I spot two scars running across her wrist. She see’s me looking and pulls her hand back nervously.

“Sorry, it’s just I have scars too.” I pull back my t –shirt and show her my scars.

“I didn’t realize we had much in common,” she starts walking, “I mean you are one of them.”

“Them?” I ask, following her.

“The cools. I mean you hang out with that girl Jessica and you slept with Jason,” she explains.

“How did you know that?”

“What? That you slept with Jason. He and his croons were talking about it; our lockers are beside each others.”

“God knows what you must be thinking of me. I swear me and Jason were a mistake, a mistake that I am paying dearly for.”

“No I get it. He’s attractive. I mean, if he asked me I wouldn’t say no.” she laughs. I check my watch and stop.

“I better go, Eilish. It’s been nice talking to you.”

“Yeah, it has. Me you and Jessica should hang out sometime.”

The empty feeling in my stomach strikes again. I swallow a lump.

“Yeah, totally. Goodbye Eilish.” She smiles and continues her walk along the beach.

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