Chapter 33- Sleepover at the Parkers!

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I wasnt going to write this till tonight but after writing the last chapter I couldn't wait! Thank you all for commenting and voting!

"I should go out and get some food! Maybe some snacks we can watch movies! Do you like movies Mia?" she asks and I grin nodding "I like movies" 

Now I know where Peter love of Movies come from.

"Do you like Thai?" she asks me "I have never tried it" I comment and her smile grows "I will go get Prachya Thai! It's a tradition in this household we can have an early lunch then have snacks later!" she says picking up a coat and purse "Mia has a shellfish allergy" Peter says and May nods "okay no fish, crab or anything that lives in the ocean got it" she says grabbing keys "I will be back soon! stay in no trouble spiderboy" she says pointing at us and Peter grins.

"Thai?" I mumble trying to think if it was similar to chinese "you will love it" he tells me as she leaves the door. 

"Thank you for staying" he says wrapping his arms around me from behind "I heard you haven't been eating or sleeping?" I frown "how could I when I thought I hurt you? I keep having nightmares of you falling Mia I-" he says kissing my shoulder and I turn round I had not really spent much time with Peter and wrap my arm around him.

He was only a bit taller than me but I still felt warmth in his embrace "you could never hurt me, Peter, I'm here I'm not hurt" I mumble into his chest and he nods placing a kiss on my head "I will never let you sit near an edge again" he mumbles and I laugh "its a deal then"

"We could always watch Harry Potter?" he asks remembering when I said I loved Harry Potter and I smile. 

"Yes! wait is your lego in your room?" I ask excitedly we had talked about his lego Star Wars millennium falcon "yes let's go I can show you it" he says grabbing my hand pulling back to his room he turns on the light then sheepishly smiles "sorry for the mess" he says. The layout was small with a few clothes hanging around quickly picking them up and putting them in a basket it was homely "You stay here more than at the tower right?" I ask looking up I see an attic door "yeah I don't want to leave aunt May alone for too long" he explains and I nod smiling. 

I love that. 

"Do you sleep in the same room as the others?" I ask I had not really thought about how they all share a room most of the time and I couldn't imagine it to be honest "sometimes" he mumbles not looking as he starts opening his closet and pulling things out "You turned 18 a few months before I came..." I say wanting to ask without asking but he knew as he looked back at me "no I haven't fully bonded with anyone" he says a bit embarrassed "it will happen one day it is just when I'm ready and the fact I was still young even though we are all soulmates it doesn't mean they look at me like that or I them. It's like I am closer to some than others" he shrugs and I nod understanding. 

I was closer to some but not the others I guess it's more complicated than that "ahh I got it" he smiles pulling out the huge lego peace "omg I can't believe Aunt May brought you this" I say thinking of Wade realizing I will just have to call him tomorrow, I take a seat next to him on the floor. 

"She has to work 6 extra shifts even though I told her not too" he says opening it so I could see the inside "why does she not move closer to the tower in a bigger place? Not that I'm saying anything bad about this place trust me I prefer it here to the tower but wouldn't it be easy for you to move further into the city to get back and forth?" 

"Well money is a thing, then my school, my friends and my aunt May is happy here, after uncle Ben died we couldn't stay in the house but moving out here helped" he says and I nod "I'm sorry for asking" I say and he shakes his head then smiling "also how could I be neighbourhood spiderman if I'm not in the neighbourhood?" he says and I laugh at this. 

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