Chapter 24- The Farm Part 2

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I'm sorry a bit more drama! I promise to have we will have some non-drama chapters soon! I also don't know how to feel about this chapter either I will try to edit it better later but thank you all for voting and commenting!

"Morning" Pietro says his voice low hugging me tighter to him as I tried to get up "princessa you need to sleep longer it's only been three hours" Last night Pietro brought me to his room and I pretty much fell asleep as soon as we began to cuddle. Well, I say last night I mean a few hours ago"I need to pee" I say and he sighs kissing my forehead he then lets go of me "then come back?" he says and I nod I needed more sleep.

I get up I had stolen Bucky jumper and had brought some of my own PJ shorts, I quickly head to the toilet and go to head back but once I'm finished I hear whispers coming from downstairs.

"No I know Fury but she wants to come back we can't force her to stay" Clint says his whisper voice never has been that quiet I guess it's due to the fact he is practically death without his hearing aids "I will try and talk to her- no we didn't do anything wrong- okay well she found out about Nathienal- Phil don't get mad- no I know- I will speak to her!" he says as a promise and I sigh so much for going back to bed I wouldn't be able to sleep now.

As I take the first step downstairs I hear the noise of the house phone being put down and I make my way downstairs rubbing my eyes surprised to see Laura up.

"Morning" Laura says seeing me first I smile walking downstairs I ignore Nat and Clint who are sitting on the sofa. I look to see she is making pancakes "Clint said these are your favourite" she says and I nod with a smile "could I help with anything?" I ask and she nods "could you finish mixing this? I need to wash the pan" I nod taking the bowl and begin mixing the pancake mix.

"Did you just see what I saw?" Clint whispers and I heard one of them getting up but by the light footing I knew it was Nat "you two friends now?" Nat says leaning on the kitchen counter looking at me then turn to Laura.

"I think family right?" Laura says and I laugh "only if you keep the hot chocolates coming" I wink and she returns it adding soap to the pan.

"Family?" Clint asks standing up as I finish mixing it into the right texture "could I make myself a water please?" I ask and Laura nods "don't need to ask darling just help yourself'" she says pointing to a cupboard full of cups.

"Are you still planning on going back to the tower today?" Nat asks straight to the point as always "no I think I will stay" I say filling up my glass with the tap but I could feel them smile behind me.

"Thank you for staying Mia, will you please talk to us and let us explain?" Nat asks and I shake my head "I didn't stay for you two and I don't wanna talk I'm staying for Laura, the twins and the kids that's it"

"I am going to grab some clean clothes from my bag" I say to Laura who nods I place my glass down and begin heading to the back where the garage is and my bags were put since we did not know what room id end up staying in then the argument happened.

"Mia" Clint says following me out into the hall but I keep walking "Mia!" he says this time grabbing my arm to stop me.

"So what you are friends with Laura now?" Clint says raising an eyebrow "yup she was actually honest to me and she is a good person with a big heart" I say and he nods agreeing with a small smile "Then please you need to understand why-" he says and I shake my head.

"No because Laura did nothing wrong but you as my soulmates did, you have lied again and again. You had so many chances to come clean even that night when I came back and we spoke after the movie but you didn't. That is what I cant understand Clint and I don't know if I will ever understand that" I say thinking of last night I let out a heavy breathe seeing he was listening to every word.

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