Chapter 13

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When I woke up it felt cold. I felt around the bed... Empty.. Kaya must have gotten up already. I got up and shuffled to the bathroom.

I walked in and turned on the water in the sink. I washed my face brushed my teeth put on fresh clothes and did my hair. I want Kaya to still notice me.

I was looking at myself in the mirror when I started to hear quiet sobs coming from the farthest stall down. I slowly walked up to the stall and lightly open the door.

A boy with buzzed black hair sat in the corner sobbing as softly as possible. He looked up with his big brown tear-filled eyes. He quickly rubbed his red puffy eyes with his sleeve. "What do you want" He mumbled.

"Whats wrong?" I asked as I sat down next to him. "T-they..." he stuttered . "They what?" I said so softly. I could tell he was trying to hold back tears. "They took her!" He wailed as he let the tears flow. Tears stained his black sweater. "Took who?" I asked. "Gabby..." He whispered. "I-I remember the past... all of it... I-I can't- ahhh!" he screeched the end of the sentence.

He started breathing heavy his breaths getting faster. "Calm down clam down its ok" I said. " I loved her so much" he whispered. "I don't know where they took her or what they will do to her but all I know is that they took her! Shes probably dead! I-I need to be with her..." He said. Suddenly he pulled out a knife and started rising up to his throat. "No! Stop!" I screeched as I swatted the knife out of his grip.

"You don't know that! She could be alive still!" I yelled. "Ya but she could not be alive" He whispered. "I will find her" I said with confidence. "really?" he asked. "I promise I will find her, I can't tell you everything but I will...I promise" I replied. "For now you should get some rest buddy" I added. "The name is Cole by the way... and... Thank you" he said as he walk out the door.

I told Max that I had a mission planned out and explained it to him, he said it was pretty good.

I explored newer parts of the building that I hadn't seen before. I walked up to a door that was far away from us.

Printed in big bold letters it read, 'SOME TESTS MY BE DISTURBING BEHIND THIS DOOR' That was what got me worried. I entered through the door as quietly as possible. Low against the wall I listened for guards.

Instead, I heard something even worse... Things I wish I hadn't heard. People screeching in pain, screaming at the top of their lungs ripping their throats raw. Loud moans full of agony. Other painful loud mind shaking sounds.

I didn't want to look up through the big rectangle windows showing what kind of things they were doing to people in the room behind these walls. I had to... I needed to...

I stood up and looked through the glass... What I saw made me wish I had never been born into such a cruel harsh world what I had been hearing now had an image to go with it. I wish I had never walked in here....

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