Chapter 8

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The sun blinded me as it shone through the window right into my eyes. "ugh!" I said. "I see your awake" I turned and saw Kaya in the bed next to me. "Where's the bathroom in this place again?" I asked, I mean I was still really new to the building. "Down the hall to left" Kaya replied sleepily. I got up and shuffled my way down the long what seemed almost never ending hall, and made a left. The bathroom was pretty nice. The only thing that wasn't in most bathrooms were the pile of clean clothes. They gave us any clothes that fit us really. I looked through the pile of fresh clean clothes and picked out some jeans and a black, white, and teal colored shirt that said 'Diamond Supply Co.' and had a diamond in the center. I liked it a lot. I looked in the mirror. My hair looked terrible and I had drool going down my chin. I went to the sink and washed my morning face off, then I fluffed up my dirty blonde hair with my hands. I looked at myself again, I looked down right hot. "Dayyuuummm!" I said to myself. I hadn't realized someone else had walked in. "Are you trying to impress a girl? Because if you are, it's gonna work bro." A voice said from behind me. I spun around and saw a tall slim boy with black hair that was styled up in the front with water, he had light blue braces that filled his bright smile. "What... um. ya... sure theres a.. think I look good? I mean look at you dude, the ladies are probably all over you bro." He smiled again. I have to admit I hated when he did that because Kaya might fall for his amazing looks. "Nah...But you look good bro, hope you impress that girl of yours. Oh ya and the name is Isaac, and you are?" He held out a hand. I looked at him, shook his hand and replied "Noah" He did that 'Mr.steal your girl' smile again and said "Well, see ya around man." I walked out of the bathroom and sat on my bed. "I guess I'm gonna be here for a while so might as well make some friends." I said to myself. I started walking to the kitchen. "Ah!" I yelped as I crashed to the hard tile floor. Someone just tripped me! I had hit my nose on the floor and it was now bleeding. I spun around and saw a chubby red headed boy laughing at me. "Your such a clumsy idiot!" He said through his laughs. He came up to kick me in the side while I was on the floor. Then another quite handsome skinny brunet boy shoved him to the side. I was on all fours holding my nose frozen in shock. "Stop it James! Lay off of him and stop being a jerk!" The brunet boy screamed at the Chubby red head name James. James mumbled something under his breath and stomped off. "Come on let's get you cleaned up" The brunet boy said as he helped me up and pulled me into the bathroom. I washed my bloody nose and took care of it. I went to the kitchen with the brunet boy. "My name is Vance." he said as we sat down at a table. "Im Noah" I replied. "Sorry about James, he's a jerk" Vance said. "Its ok. I'm fine." I said. "Sure? Dude I saw what you did a couple of days ago, Isaac and I had to break down the door, to save you, I'm going to be watching you dude, I don't want anyone to get hurt." Vance said concerned. "What is this place? like a boarding school or something?" I asked changing the subject. "Don't know, but I've been out there and trust me its a lot safer here." He answered.

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