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"This is purgatory" I said looking back at Deadlox.
He nodded as if knowing what it was like.
"Every player has a brother or sister. The siblings get sent here and become... special"
"Wait! You said player" Deadlox said pointing at me.
I tilted my head, that's what we were. We were pawns of a chess game.
"Yeah... and?"
"And this isn't a game!"
"Whatever, my name is KJack. I am a hybrid of a dog and human"
Deadlox's eyes widened. I'm guessing that he was exactly from around here.
I was swinging my sword frantically. The two people drawing nearer and nearer. The closer they came the more I realized that they looked like... us. The one on the right looked like Jason, but different. He had a wither body and heads, yet his face was the same. The one on the left looked like me. The only difference was his Steve clothes and bright yellow eyes. The Jason twin shot one of his head at me, the explosion knocking the sword out of my hand.
"Calm down Adam, we need to talk" the twin me said smirking.
I backed up against the wall. The twin me walked up and placed a finger on my forehead. He lightly traced down to my chin, muttering words under his breath. I swallowed and place a finger on his forehead and muttered what I could make of his words. A small spark was created between us when I reached his chin. I suddenly felt... powerful.
"Welcome back, brother" the twin me said.
I fell to the ground, too weak to get up. I closed my eyes multiple times to try and gather any ounce of strength. The last thing I could remember was me closing my eyes one last time, and they didn't open again.
"We have what we need, for now" I heard a voice call out to the other two.
I looked at the dragon hybrid. He had the look of pure insanity in his glowing purple eyes. I charged at him, my sword ready to fight. Before I reached him I saw a bright light that blinded me.
"Everyone is split up, we'll have to find them one by one" I heard the same voice say.
When I could see again I was laying on the ground, I couldn't move.

Enderlox's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now