One Hellish Night

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Hi! It's been a minute! So, yeah I have no excuse. Just take your chapter and be happy.

     I had already finished gathering enough food for everyone, but I felt like I didn't do enough. I walked over to Jason, who was building the house for all of us to stay in for the night. "Hey bud, need any help?" I said leaning against the wooden tower he had built to get high enough to reach places. Jason shook his head moving a wooden block in place, "But you can try to get some iron, Mitch and Jerome don't seem like they actually want to do work so you'll have to go alone. Try to stay in one direction!" He called out as I left, "Adam's teleporting is still iffy." I heard him mumble. Either he mumbles really loud, or I'm just lucky. I shrugged it off and quickly made a wooden pickax, bringing the crafting table with me. "Wherever you're going be back by dark!" Seto called out hitting a tree. I rolled my eyes, thanks mom and dad, but I can handle myself. I finally found a cave, not too far from camp. Soon my Minecraft instincts took place and I was able to get plenty of resources in little to no time, or so I thought.

     Once I was finished I headed back to the surface to see the sky was just loosing its line of light. "Oh you're kidding me" I grumbled quickly trying to craft a stone sword. Once I was finished I felt a sharp pain in my arm as I heard the variety of hostile mobs collect. I went to feel my arm but instead felt the feathers of an arrow. I flinched as the arrow moved slightly, inflicting more pain in the area. I hissed in pain as I began to run, leaving the crafting table behind. The only problems were spiders and skeletons, their range and speed made them annoying. I had gotten used them giving me a small confidence boost. As I looked back I saw no mobs with their attention on me, I turned my head back forward and was met by a zombie. I fumbled around with the sword before finally being able to get a good hit. This abrupt stop gave me way too much trouble as my arm felt another sharp shock. Now with both of my arms in pain, and in no condition to hold a sword, I was left defenses to the ruthless night. Then, as if Notch was playing tricks on me, I heard the hiss of a more popular mob. A wave of fear drowned me as the explosion knocked me forward. The contact to the ground shifted the arrows a bit, one even snapped in half. To my horror, as I stood up I saw that it wasn't an arrow, but my arm that had snapped. I cried out in pain, a few tears escaping, and I knew I would die if I didn't make it back. I tried to press on, the sword loosely swinging in my hand. All I could do was run, neither of my arms were in any kind of position for me to put up a good fight at all. Yet if I stopped again, I could get some dirt and hide underground. Deciding it wasn't worth it, I continued to run. A small light of hope finally broke through the the night as I closed in on the house. I was so happy I practically forgot the pain I was in. Joy made me careless and I slowed down, giving a skeleton a free shot. The arrow hit my leg making me loose balance, and I collided with the door. I looked back at the night, one skeleton taking aim that would be the final blow at this point. Soon, my body lost its foundation and I fell backwards.

     "Ty!" Adam called out dragging me by the shoulders inside. I heard the door close as my vision blurred, how much blood did I loose? Or was it the pain finally getting to me? I had managed to hold on enough for them to drag me to a room. Mitch and Jerome quickly pulled out the arrows as Jason wrapped them. Seto paced the room as he held a hand to his chin. Finally he stopped and turned his head towards the door. "Adam! Get in here!" He yelled. I cried out in pain as Mitch ripped out the final arrow in my broken arm. Adam barged into the room, his glasses slightly shifted. "Gosh! Don't do that!" Adam said adjusting his glasses back into their original position. A part of me wanted to reach out and slide his glasses off, there was something wrong. I tried to push myself off the bed before Jason came running to lightly push me back down. I sighed as I leaned my head back, I would find out eventually. "Can you fix Ty's broken arm. It is very possible with magic, especially in your position, but I don't know how bad the injury is" Seto said. I looked back at Adam to see him nervously looking at my arm. I honestly would feel ten times better if Seto would do it, taking to heart that this is Adam's first day with magic. He eventually nodded and I instantly began fearing for my life. "It's going to hurt isn't it," I mumbled looking at Sky. He paused for a second, then nodded as he held his hands out. I hissed as I laid my head back waiting for the pain. I then felt two thumbs press against my wrist, my head instantly snapping to see who it was. Seto lightly wrapped the rest of his fingers around my arm as I let my head fall back into its natural position. I could hear a small snicker from one of the guys watching on the side. I was going to get that fucker back. I continued to wait for the pain when the moment of truth arrived. I was first introduced to small hope when the pain just eased in and lightly pricked my arm. I looked up at Seto who seemed to be straining, at that point I realized that he was trying to suppress the real pain I was in. I smiled, "thanks" I muttered, my neck began to hurt from holding my head up. "What?" At this point Seto's pressure eased and an enormous amount of pain instantly flooded my arm. I let out an extremely loud cry in pain. These were volumes I didn't even think we're possible. However it didn't last for too long as the pain eased. I breath heavily as I tilted my head up to look at the others. Mitch, Jerome, and Jason were all laying in a pile, basically crushed in the corner, a look of shock and pain on their faces. Adam was pressed against the wall. His nose was scrunched up as he slowly moved a hand to his ear. "Ow!" He yelled slightly moving his back from the wall. Mitch looked at him, also holding hand to his ear along with Jerome and Jason. "What!" He yelled, slightly louder than Adam. Jason and Jerome flinched as they slowly turned their heads to Mitch who was on the bottom of the pile. I could already tell this wasn't going to end well. "Don't yell at us!" Jerome screamed causing the other two to hold their ears as they screamed more at each other. Adam's cringe grew more and more intense until he just waved his hand. As if by magic, the three instantly stopped bickering and stayed silent. Seto released a heavy sigh as he smiled, "thank you for saving what left of my ear drum" he said pulling his cloak sleeve away from his ear. He hissed at the sight of it as he returned it to his ear. "Well it's like not we have paper towels" he said beginning to move the sleeve around. I sighed as I laid back, a gasp interrupting the comforting silence. "Guys!" Adam started slightly shaking the bed, "we don't have toilet paper!"

My eyes finally adjusted to the bright light blinding me. Nothing around this place was right. I looked down at my bandaged arm. Pain surged through it as I moved the bandage a bit. Looking back up I saw a girl who seemed to be around my age. Quickly analyzing her I noticed that she wasn't exactly human. She had long brown hair pulled to the side in a braid, letting her long bangs hang loose and cover one of her crimson eyes. On the top of her head sat a thin black headband. Around her neck was a long necklace with a music note charm. She wore a white dress with black lining, the collar in the shape of a V. However, her legs weren't exactly legs, instead they were the 'generic' ghost tail. "Hello Deadlox," she said wa- I mean floating towards me. "Um, hi. Who are you exactly?" I asked. She simply giggled, "Silly! I'm your conscience! Its been a while don't ya think!" She said in a high pitched happy tone. I stepped back as she smiled. "Then how does the voice in my head sound like my voice?" I asked. She raised an eyebrow as she cleared her throat, "funny you ask " she said. Somehow, she had managed to make her voice drop down to mine as the words echoed in my head. I couldn't help but smile, "woah, cool!" A light blush appeared on her face as she smiled. "Finally someone appreciates true talent," she fixed the headband separating her bangs from her hair as she walked away. I wanted to follow, but something told me to stay. Was it her? I didn't ponder in the subject for too long before I felt a sting on my left arm.

     I quickly looked up to see a skeleton, loading another arrow into its bow. My first instinct would've been to draw my sword, however I couldn't find it in it's hilt. Panic over took me as I started to run. It wasn't too far before another skeleton appeared in front of me. I jumped as the skeleton began to load it bow. I instantly stepped back noticing more and more skeletons appearing. Soon another sting pricked my arm, again to be followed by another, and another. The stings finally started to numb down as I tried desperately to dodge the arrows. Once I thought I was fine, an arrow came soaring by. I didn't pay much attention to it though, but I soon regretted it as the bandaged part of my arm overflowed with pain. It was almost like having a new pair of braces just put in and taking a bit out of an apple for the first time. That same shock and pain surrounded an area of my arm. I had let my arm drop before the scream of excruciating pain echoed into the white abyss.
The voice had woken me up, and I sat safe in my bland room. Once I had calmed my adrenaline rush, I noticed a familiar glow of purple reflecting off the oak wood. "Enderlox!" I cried out leaping from the bed. He had quickly walked up and softly placed a hand over my mouth. The sudden reaction caused me to freeze as I watched his casual confident smirk turn into an evil grin. "Listen carefully brother. I see your mind is catching up on history." And with that, he teleported away, leaving a purple sparkle to fade behind. I sighed and got up from my bed. One second of peace was all I needed right now. Then as if Herobrine was listening, an ear piercing scream echoed through my room.

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