The Amulet

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I opened my eyes to see darkness, everywhere. It was just as if I had woke up for the first time in this world. I pushed myself off the ground, my head throbbing. I shut my eyes as the pain eased a bit. My eyes strained themselves too much in this darkness. The door then opened showing Ty, only he was different. He had the wings and tail of an enderdragon. His eyes were purple and his smile showed very sharp teeth. "Ah, the bacca is awake. Let's go have a talk now shall we?"


Once I woke up my body instantly tensed. I could barely move my head to look around. In front of me was eight pictures. Each picture looked like a realistic form of each member of team crafted's profile picture on YouTube. Adam's picture, which was on the top left, had a red x over his picture. To the right of him was Ty, then Jason, Seto, myself, Jerome, Ian, then Quentin. I heard a door creak open as I relaxed. I suddenly felt myself fall as a hand grabbed my arm.

"I hope you make the right decision Jerome, we'll be back for your correct answer" the figure holding my arm said as he dragged me away. I managed to stand up against the constant motion and pull my arm out. "Hey! Just make it easy! Either way you are going to go talk to them so might as well not freak out!" The man snapped. I paused as the man grabbed my arm again. "Good, now let's go" he said pulling me again. The man ended up throwing me in a dark room with two glowing eyes glaring at me. "Hello Mitchell, we need your help with something," a voice sounding like Ty's spoke. If it wasn't for the fact that his voice was slightly deeper I would've been convinced. "With what?" I asked rubbing my wrist. "There are hunters out there who are trying to kill us, please help us," the voice said. My eyes adjusted more for me to see that what I saw earlier were in fact not eyes, but headphones. I looked at the ground, he was obviously lying. "Why would Jerome say no?" I muttered. They couldn't of told him differently, then again I can't exactly rule that out. "No," I said plainly. The light from the headphones grew slightly then faded back to their original state. The voice let out a deep sigh as I saw a flick of a hand wave by in the darkness. Suddenly, people who I didn't even know were in the room started to grab my arms. They weren't really strong at first until more started to grab. "Wait! I'll handle this." Another familiar voice entered my ears. I looked around too see two yellowish lights glowing. The voice sounded like Adam's, but again his voice was slightly deeper. Adam and this guy could easily impersonate each other. The people around me loosened their grip, some even let go entirely. Taking this break to my advantage, I swung. Throwing a punch directly at the two glowing lights, I was met with a hand. "Aw Mitch, don't tell me you've lost your touch. It hasn't been that long has it" Adam's voice said in a disappointed tone. I paused, lost my touch? While I was thinking the hand that had blocked my punch grabbed it and wrapped around me, holding my arm into a lock. "What a shame" the same voice said in that mocking tone. I winced as the captor had pushed my arm higher, leaving me with my weak arm. The man started to push me out another door which I was able to see because of his eyes. Once the door closed behind us the man let go. I started to run but my arm was grabbed, and I knew I wouldn't be able to win a fight against him. "Let go of me!" I protested anyways, pulling against the grip. "Wait! I have a request," the man said. I paused as I turned to look at him, my eyes slowly closing from the brightness of his flashlights. The man groaned as he snapped, turning on all of the lights. I finally got a good look at him. To be honest, he looked like Adam trying to dress up as Herobrine. The only thing that was his originally besides his face was an amulet hanging from his neck. The stone however was a ruby red. "Please, once we enter Sky's room you must act calm. It might trigger his amulet to see his friend in trouble. So please act normal, he's more powerful then you can think." The Adam twin pleaded, his look, his tone, he wasn't lying. I tilted my head to the side, I knew he was telling the truth but I was still curios. "I get it, you seem like the person who would tell the truth, but what about his amulet?" I asked pushing for an answer. He sighed as he seemed to relax. "Well it all dates back to when Sky and I were born," the Adam twin started, he began to walk. I quickly followed waiting for more details into the story. "To the misfortune of your friend and I, our parents were, slightly different. Our mother, for starters, was an angle. Our father, was the god of death. Upon hearing this, my mother and father didn't exactly get along. She wanted peace, and he wanted world domination. Once our father heard that mother was pregnant, he cursed the baby to be loyal to him. My mother however was smarter than Herobrine having more knowledge about the outside world. She knew that she would have twins. Eventually it was time for the babies to be born, she traveled to the aether to birth the babies. She wanted at least one to be safe from Herobrine's evil vision. Once the babies were born she left one in the aether and took the other back, this child had the eyes of Herobrine with a golden glow. The child she left on the aether took after her hazel eyes. Herobrine was delighted when she returned with a child in her hands, not to mention have the same glowing eyes as him. Our mother told a fake story of how Notch was upset because she married the god of death and told him to take care of the baby. When she returned to the aether, she noticed that some of the angles she asked to take care of Sky had bruises and cuts. She panicked and created an amulet to store his emotions, for that was what made magic powerful. This way, if Sky ever did accidentally use magic he wouldn't hurt anyone. However, she never accounted for if the amulet would get full. The emotions have nowhere to go so they just build up inside. Over the years, the amulet has been building up emotions. All it would take now is one drastic panic attack to trigger and we would all be killed. If that amulet were to trigger, they would all return to Adam and he would have absolutely no control over his actions or power. He could kill me or you, even Jerome would be put in danger. It's too risky to trigger any kind of emotion. Just having him alone is risky so I had to step in and make sure you would be transferred to Sky's cell." When he finished the story he stopped in front of the door, "this is where Sky's cell is, please be calm," he said placing his hand on the handle. I nodded and walked in when he opened the door. Instead of the entire room being one cell, to my surprise there was a small cell in an open room. I threw on a smirk and turned to Adam's twin, "well isn't that design a bit weird," I said. He smiled, "thank you" he muttered guiding me to the cell in middle of the room. Adam first tilted his head to the side at the sight of me. I looked down and realized I was wearing a red and black checkered hoodie like my skin in the game. I looked back at him and smiled, "hey buddy, you look different. What did you get a haircut or something?" I joked as the twin opened the cage. Adam seemed cautious at first, too cautious. He stepped back a bit, a loud shock interfering with the eerie silence. Adam jerked his hand back, cursing at himself. "Well someone's oddly quiet, mind at least saying hello?" I said leaning against the bars, "I wouldn't!" Adam started, but it was too late and I then figured out what the shock came from. "They just turned up the shock, are you okay?" He asked running to my side, I looked at him. The amulet around his neck glowed, the shining color reflected off his sunglasses. "Yea I'm fine, no little shock is gonna bring me down" I said brushing my shoulder. "So what's with the clothes, you're dressed up like your skin in minecraft dude!" I asked almost leaning against the bars again. "Yea," he said pushing out a nervous laugh. I smiled, looking around the large room. The more I looked around this world the more real it felt. It wasn't like everything had the pixel graphics, everything looked so real. I looked back at Adam to see him staring at my arm. His amulet glowed dangerously. "A-Adam?" I asked looking at my arm. On it was a large bruise, one that covered from my wrist to the middle of my forearm. "Oh this, I had it before I even got into this world. Don't worry about it" I managed to say swiftly hiding the arm behind my back. "Run..."
Isn't it funny how the world is cruel...
Isn't funny how in a blink of an eye, family can betray you...
I don't find it funny at all.
We walked through the forest, Jason guiding us towards the hide out. My mind boggled between two decisions, both with a price to pay. "Hey, where are we going anyways?" Ty asked playing with his shirt lining. "We need to go get Adam. I'm guessing you know what happened" I responded keeping my eyes on the ground. I dared to take quick glances at the others, Ty had something on his mind. "So Ty, whatcha thinking about" I said, "I'm trying to remember something, but I just can't! I can remember my childhood and everything, yet I just can't remember what happened to the city!" Ty blurted out, he was completely oblivious. I looked at Jason, guilt painting his face. At that moment I froze, "I'm sorry Jason, but it's up to you to remember" I said turning a different direction. Jason stopped and took a few steps towards me, "Seto? What are you doing?" He asked slightly titling his head. I couldn't bring myself to make eye contact, and all I could say was, "I'm sorry."

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