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The portal above me glowed signaling that it was once again active.
"Go Ty, your friends need you" KJack said pushing me towards the portal.
"Wait! Hang on how did you know my name!" I said using my shoes to try and push back.
"Reasons, just get out of here okay!"
My finger caught onto the portal, pulling me through. I was thrown out, landing on my chest. So many questions I needed to ask. I pushed myself off the ground and looked around the area. I saw three figures, one carrying something on his shoulder. Passed out on the ground was a teen dressed like Jason's skin. The same blue space suit, and the same blue and orange helmet.
"Hello?" I called out.
The teen slowly pushed himself off the ground, he looked at me and took off his helmet.
He nodded smiling. Then his eyes widened as he started running around the area.
"Adam!" He said pulling out his bow.
"Jason what happened!"
Jason quickly turned and aimed the bow at me, "You weren't affected by the portal! How do I know you can be trusted!" He snapped firing the loaded arrow.
I dived on the ground to get away from flaming arrow.
"Jason!" I snapped covering my head.
When I looked up again I saw darkness flash for around two seconds.
"Oh my Notch"
My vision returned and I quickly got up from the ground.
"Did you just say..." I started pointing at Jason.
He seemed shocked himself and he picked up his bow again.
"Never mind, let's just go save Adam" he said walking over to the wall.
"What happened to him?" I asked following cautiously.
Jason quickly turned his head to me and stared.
"Do you remember any of this?"he asked.
"Of course he wouldn't. Mind if I borrow him?" I heard a voice say.
I felt a hand on my shoulder quickly pull me away.
"Oh no you don't Enderlox!" Jason yelled drawing his bow.
"Okay, first off shut up. Second off, iuhhch" (also if you understand that... Slow clap for you)
Moments later Jason stopped moving and fell to the floor.
"What did you do to him!" I snapped pulling away from him.
"Nothing we need to talk" he said turning his head to me.
"I don't give a shit! I'm not going to talk to you until tell me what you did to him!" I crossed my arms and tapped my foot patiently.
"My name i-"
"NOPE, tell me what you did to Jason!"
"Well I can see someone hasn't changed"
I coughed and pointed to Jason, still waiting for my answer.
"Okay then! I simply put him under a sleeping spell! He'll wake up when we finish. As I was saying, my name is Enderlox"
"Deadlox, similar names don't you think"
"Similar face, voice, age. We're twins, brothers but I doubt that you'll remember"
At that moment I realized that he was almost exactly like me, except his wings, tail, eyes, and headphones. Without any meaning, my fist came sailing to his face,
"Who are you!" I yelled walking over to the twin on the floor.
Something I noticed was that the hair that covered his eye rested over his head and partially on the floor. The eye that used to be cover was a darker shade of purple, with a thin cut over it.
"Dy?" (Yes that was Enderlox's real name according to his creator)
A younger voice screamed the same name over and over again. It was almost in panic, yet it was almost in depression.
"You promised that you would be there for me!" The voice said a lot calmer.
A scene flashed as I stepped away. I was kneeling over the twin, but the twin looked more like me. My hands seemed smaller and I was carrying something very heavy. Over one of the twin's eye was a very deep cut. Blood poured over his face and mixed with the fluids in his eye. I coughed when my vision returned. Even though it was only a few seconds it felt like an hour. Every memory started to come back. I eventually stumbled over my own feet and hit the hard stone ground.

I woke up in a cell within a well lit room. I quickly pushed myself off the ground only to hit my head on the bars behind me. I felt a heavy shock and fell back to the ground.
"The bars are electric" I heard a familiar voice say.
I turned to look at my twin who is holding a small metal object in his hands.
"No shit Sherlock" I snapped rubbing my head.
"Well come on sarcasm, people want to see you" he said unlocking the door and opening it. I walked out of the cell, tempted to run but I knew I wouldn't make it out. He grabbed my arm resulting in a large shock from the contact.
"Ow! What the nether was that!" I covered my mouth once I heard what I said.
"Hey! That's offensive you know!" The twin snapped.
I looked back at him, shocked. I guess it wasn't like he had heard me talk before. We walked into a dark room with one red stone torch to light the room.
"Hello Sky" I heard another familiar voice say.
"Ty?" I replied turning my head to the voice.
"Of course, where are we?" He said.
I froze, Ty doesn't talk like that.
"I don't know, what do you think they want with us?" I said trying to stay calm.
"I don't know, can I see your amulet really quickly"
I quietly took my amulet off and stuffed it in my pocket. I began to act as if I had lost it patting where it would hang and my pockets. I heard foot steps approach me as a warm breath traveled down my neck. I turned to face him, but it was hard to see in the low lighting.
"I'm afraid I can't do that Deadlox" I said smirking.
The twin sighed as wings and a tail grew.
"Take him back to the cell, he clearly knows his friends more than we do" the Ty twin said looking at the ground.
My own twin lead me back to the cell, not bothering to grip my arm.
"Before I leave, I need to tell you something. Of course you may not remember now, but as you go through this journey you will start to remember. I am your brother, this may not seem important right now. When you start to remember your past with this world, find me" he said closing the cell door.
I tilted my head as he walked away. I mean, it would explain why he looked like me, yet it felt like I've know him forever.
"Wait!" I called out, almost touching the bars again.
He looked at me, a small light emitting from his buttery eyes.
"Where did you go?" I asked.
He froze, "the river is more dangerous than one would think" he said walking away.

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