~66~ Upon fond memories

919 28 25

Word count: 3821

Author's note -

It is so good to be back - hello to both old and new friends!

Thank you all so much for everything these past few months - and our reached reads of 150 thousand!?! I am still in shock, but thank you all for sticking with me!

A lot has changed throughout this book, so if you haven't yet, be sure to reread it so you are not too confused.
*Also, if you see any mistakes I may have missed while proofreading, please let me know so I can fix them!*
If you don't feel as though you have the time to, you are also more than welcome to message me and I'll do my best to explain all the major changes.

I'm so excited to jump back into things with you all, and I hope you are hyped for what I have coming.

So please, enjoy!




Even the greeting of children and their laughter - their carefree day spent in the sun seemed dull. A blade not sharpened under clouds of deep gray rolling along in evershifting shapes one could see if payed enough attention to.

The town was as lively as ever, far off from the docile tones and empty streets of early morning. A broken reflection of busy work needing tending to.
Minds preoccupied, most bodies on a kind of zoned out state of being, a task wanting focus for time of hard days.
And so the streets were sparked to life - from a certain view it was crowded with the market of shifting frames, a sea of people careful not to bump into each other.

Children ran. Children played.
A gentle nature brought out by sincere smiles and goofy attitudes.

Laughter echoed. A symbolic breeze of peace.

Carefree. Almost...

My smile felt hollow - a happiness only felt on the surface and I couldn't seem to snap out of whatever stupor I was grasped in.
Rhymes were sang in serene melodies, hands clapped in some made up game between young ones who didn't mind that they were a bit off key.
They skipped. They ran. They giggled. They chased.

A good day of fun had been settled in motions of games contained to our little street corner free from those not too far away - a spectacle glanced at by older folk who would smile or pass by.

Smaller hands were held between my own - frames skipping in a misshapen circle and many small voices sang the made up song in tandem with one another, a cheery understanding leading to the end of the nursery-like rhythm - where we stopped to throw joined hands in the air for celebration.

They clap, clearly entertained and I found myself to join in, hands fixing the thin shall around my shoulders as celebrations settled.
The breeze was barely acknowledged, a crisp chill sent from the late year air and in the back of my mind I acknowledged the thin fabric not being as warm as the jacket worn earlier -

Stop it...

Stop it...

Stop it...

Lungs grew cold with an inhale.

I needed to stop thinking of it.

"Your highness."

Samuel had been extra kind with each small interaction between us today.

Both he and Warner had kept on eye on me and the children playing before us.

The smile shared on his face was oddly comforting, his stature stopping by my side where he leaned in closer.
"George wishes to see you."

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