~7~ Pies, flowers, and the sound of dying laughter

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*Edited: 1-21-2022*
Word count: 3037

"That took a lot longer than I thought it would miss (y/n)." Parker chuckles, holding a pie in his right hand and a smaller one in his left as we both calmly walk down the street.

"Baking takes time, and love. Did you have fun?" I ask and he smiles, nodding eagerly in response.

"I did, thank you for teaching me. I hope my family will like them- well, I know my ma will."

"You're welcome," I smile, "would you like me to pick you up for work from now on?" I ask and my gaze shifts down to the smaller boy as he shakes his head.

"I can walk there on my own in the morning, as long as you can drop me off then I'll be ok." He says and I nod as we walk up to an older looking house, stopping by the front door and I knock sharply.

A few moments later it opens to reveal an older, more frail looking woman.

"Parker, you're just in time for dinner." She smiles and the little boy holds up the pies, a bright smile on his face.

"Look what miss (y/n) and I made!" He says happily and she tilts her head, a soft chuckle greeting the air.

"They look amazing," she smiles, turning her gaze to me. "you must be (y/n) then?" She asks and I nod, giving the woman a small curtsy.

"I am. I apologize for bringing your son home a little later than promised, it took us a bit longer than I thought to make these." My response was kind, my free hand pulling out the third pie from the basket on my arm.
"This one's also for you "

"That's alright. And you didn't have to, but thank you." She smiles more, taking the pie as she glances at the boy by my side - her head tilting back in a motion for him to enter. "Parker go wash up for dinner, will you."
The boy nods, ducking under the woman's arm before disappearing inside and she looks back at me.
"Would you like to join us?"

"Oh- thank you for the offer, but I have to get home." I say politely and she nods slightly.

"Well, thank you for walking Parker home." She says, her voice soft.
"And thank you, truly, for what you did; he hasn't stopped talking about you since last night."

I feel my cheeks flush and I brush the top of my hand. "You're welcome. Have a good rest of your night." I say softly, turning with an air of calm.

She smiles. "Be safe heading home."

~~~ °•° ~ °•° ~~~

I hum to myself, lightly swinging the empty basket as I look up at the sky, my eyes glancing between the dark gray clouds as I slowly walk down the empty street - loose pebbles being gently kicked forward by my heels and rolling along the ground.

My hand reaches into my dress pocket, pulling out the small, intricately detailed pocket watch and clicking the button - my eyes gazing at the thin black hands on the face, pointing to the small Roman numerals around the edge and declaring the time to anyone who looked at it.

I shut it moments later, content with my finding of the time and I click the small object closed, reaching for my pocket — a sudden, sharp gasp greets the night air as I stumble backwards, dropping the items from my hands after colliding with someone's chest - my heart more alert and beating in rhythm to my subtle surprise.

I shake my head, looking up - yet keep my eyes on the male's chest as I take a small step forward, a frightened and embarrassed look on my face as the fabric of my gray dress touches the tipped over basket laying on the ground.

"Looks like you haven't followed my advice, little lady." The familiar, deep voice speaks up and my eyes look at the small golden badges on the red and white jacket as my cheeks burn, dusting a deep red hue as my eyes flick up to the male's amused, and sly expression.

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