~5~ Eyes that cut diamonds

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*Edited: 1-9-2022*
Word count: 4001

My gaze was glued to the small boy – the feeling pinching in my chest pushing me forward and drowning out most of the words my friends confusingly called out to me.

But I knew something bad could happen if I just stood idly by, it would happen and in a sense already was by the child's sly actions; and as the boy dropped a few more pieces of brightly colored produce in the cloth bag hanging on his shoulder he steps back from the cart and I quicken my pace to a slight jog — the air in my lungs becoming stale within moments - hitching with cold fear as the small, lanky figure of the boy falls, having tripped over his feet due to his focus on the pair of people now snapping their gaze in his direction.

The boy's gasp hadn't even registered in my mind.

"Hey!?" The older man's voice was low, agitated and a pained expression had no trouble finding my features - my eyes glued to the few red hued apples, bright oranges, and various berries now strewn across the street - some still slowly rolling to a stop.

It was in that split few seconds that his frame scrambled to his knees, turning to look at the man who was now marching towards him with a mind full of many words.

"You little brat-"

"Wait–" I call out as the small boy ceases his action of wanting to stand, his fearful frame only allowing him to push backwards as he sat on the hard ground and as the older man's eyes met my face I had practically ran in between himself and the child that now lay behind me - his eyes firmly planted on my back.
"There's no need for anger." My words were quick, my hands raising out in front of me as if to keep the man at a reasonable distance from myself and the child.

Yet my actions didn't seem to please the older gentleman, his brow narrowing in displeasure as his lurking frame stepped forward.

"Piss off woman, this doesn't involve you." He hisses in a scratchy tone, and despite my fear almost demanding my body crumble, I stay where I stood - my heart beginning to beat against my chest in quickening succession.

"We don't need to fly off the handle-"

"I said piss off." He steps forward, his frame towering over mine as easily as his gaze burned into my soul. "I won't ask you again."

"And I'm just asking that you listen-" my words cut in, wavering in a more nerve-filled tone. "There's no reason we can't handle this in a respectful manner, and there's no need to cause a bigger scene."
My left hand gestures to the side - at the small crowd of onlookers - and the man scoffs.

"You're trying my patience." He responds.

"I'm sure the boy meant no harm."

"No harm?"
It was his turn to cut me off, and his expression held a truth to his last statement.
"The thief stole from my cart- not to mention has ruined my produce."

I take a breath, nodding slowly. "Now please...just stay calm. Give me just a moment."
I then turn with care, my eyes falling on the boy - and I would've been surprised that he hadn't ran away, if it weren't for the expression etched on his features.

His eyes forced themselves down to the ground, his hands balling as I offer an unseen smile and extend my hand towards him.

"Here." I start and his eye glance up, his hand hesitant to grab mine, but eventually he does and I help pull him up off the ground. He shifts on his feet, his eyes once again glued to the ground as I look him over, my hands making careful work of dusting the stray specks of dirt off his shoulders.

"That was quite the fall." I speak up, hearing him swallow and my hands go to the open collar of his loose white shirt, adjusting it as he stays silent.
With a gentle hand I lift his chin, looking at his expression as I offer him a reassuring smile - sensing his unease towards the man waiting behind us - and my thumb dusts off his cheek.
"Don't pay mind to him." My soft spoken words catch the boy's attention, his pale eyes shifting to my features.
"You didn't get hurt, did you?'

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