~11~ Kidnapped by a king

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*Edited: 2-5-2022*
Word count: 4598

~~~ ((Y/n)'s pov) ~~~



I'm perfectly fine walking by myself- I've done it many times before." I speak up, hanging the recently used aprons before following the older woman out of the kitchen and dusting myself off.

The last few hours had flown by - Barbara and I having been busy with last minute baking and cleaning up around the kitchen; leaving it neat, organized, and the newly made goods were properly stored away until their delivery the next morning.

"I'm aware." The darker haired female interjects in a tone that made the night seem normal. "But I still feel it necessary to walk you home."

She had tried her best to keep the mood between us natural - and aside from her occasional question on how I was feeling or holding up being a prominent reminder of the day's misfortune, it could've felt like any other day in the back kitchen.
That's how she wanted it, and for the most part, my worries had been taken to the side.

The blonde was in good hands.

I just had to have faith in that.

My frame catches up to the taller female, stepping carefully through the dim front space she seemigly led me through.
The bell chimes and she holds open the door, following me outside and I walk forward a few steps before turning to face her.


"I know you don't necessarily need me to- that you're an adult, but, after what happened today I think it wise I walk you home at least until this all blows over." The female in question mentions, her tall figure turning back to the door.
"As far as I'm aware, that vile person is still out there- and your house is farther from the bakery than mine."

I fix my sheer white shawl.
"But, if you were to walk me home- then you'd have to double back to get to your residence. I'd feel burdened if you had to take extra time to walk back by yourself."

"I don't mind. I can handle myself."

I shake my head, taking a small step closer and the door locks with the turning of her key.
"I promise I'll be safe." I interject and the older woman stills - thinking to herself. "Barbara, you have more important things at home that need your attention- and I'll be passing near the gathering. There's still many people out celebrating."

Barbara turns, facing me and I clasp my hands together as she steps closer, her hand holding my cheek.
"Don't think for a moment, that I don't believe you're important." She whispers and I offer her a frail smile.

"We shouldn't let fear get the best of us. If we do, what good will we accomplish?"

"What's with this sudden courage?" She lectures and for a moment, the night almost felt normal again.

"I'm taking Lou's advice." I respond simply.
"I'll be...be home before you know it."

Barbara's features soften in defeat, and as she sighs her free hand lifts, pointing at me.
"...straight home, you hear me." Her words were firm and I hold the hand she had over my cheek.

"Straight home."

The older woman exhales after a minute of silent thought. "You better not make me regret this decision young lady." She lectures and my smile widens a little - my frame stepping forward as I pull her into a hug, which she returns.
"Why tonight of all nights?"

With partly ignoring her question I chuckle, pulling away as I study her black-brown irises.

"Becauses there's no time like the present." I answer and a smile tugs at her lips, her head shaking.

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