~43~ Faltering hope

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*Edited: Proofreading.*
Word count: 3237

~~~ October 18, 1777 ~~~
(George's pov)


'Your Royal Majesty, King George William Frederick III,

I want to apologize in advance if my letter seems rushed, un-organized, or if my future responses to you seem slow for the next while. I will be keeping in contact—as discussed and per agreement with you, over the usual topics; future trades, and other business related matters as best I can.

I've just been thinking, about a lot of things that have continuously piled themselves onto my plate as of late.
And I fear, along with many of the townsfolk, that what happened back in August was a bigger issue then it first let on to be that day.
The Sanderson boy wasn't the only victim; to much of my dismay, Ms. (L/n) had gone missing later that night.

I still hold out hope for the young lady—mainly for her family's sake. They're terrified for her safety, and if I'm being honest I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not that we haven't found her, or in the worst case of circumstances, her body.
I'm trying my best to keep the townsfolk up to date with their many questions, her family calm, and her mother in a good state of mind-—my men and I check on them whenever we can, and her mother always asks me the same questions; 'Is she ok?' 'Have you found her?' 'Why her general, why her?'

I still don't know how to answer. I only find myself with similar questions.

Why Ms. (L/n)?

The only leads we have to go on is a shawl Mrs. Ingalls claims belongs to the girl.

No one in town seems to have heard or seen anything aside from Mrs. Ingalls herself, who had last seen the young lady late that night. She's distressed, saying that she should have never let her walk alone.

It's like (y/n) just vanished.

I don't want to think that Ms. (L/n) is hurt, or worse, and I can only pray for her safe return, that she can hold out until my men and I can figure out this mess and come find whoever's responsible for her kidnapping.

There is a small shred of hope I'm hanging onto, as I think I may have a lead or two.
Currently in our custody we have a few men, who's behaviors are quite odd; their stories don't line up and keep changing, they have no witnesses to clear them the night Ms. (L/n) went missing, and they keep blaming each other.
There's only a few things that don't seem to line up.

The biggest being that if they were the ones who took her, they sure seem to keep the story of not knowing where she is down. They say they've only seen her in town on a few occasions or not at all. And if they did take her, then where is she?

There's only so many hours and so many things I can do with what I've been given, even my wife and close men have noticed I seem 'paranoid' and 'restless' at times.
As stated I can only pray that (y/n) stays strong through whatever horrible things she has or may still be dealing with, that she can be brave and not give up the hope that we'll soon find her.

And I pray to god I won't be too late.

I only ask that you remain patient with me, at least through these next few trying months as I try to figure things out and settle things down.

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