~22~ Through the quiet halls

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*Edited: 3-29-2022*
Word count: 3705

The halls of many decorative pieces — of portrait paintings, arched ceilings and intricate details making even the more simple space seem as grand as any other room; even down to the etched surfaces laying out eleangace along the warm hued walls and curtain lined windows, where every few feet a crescent table of dark umber brown held lively flora as a spot of color the eyes were drawn to.
Every small idea was shared along the regal interior - however, within the shaded moonlight of coated silence, every inch seemed cold and distant to the bodies of those who weren't there.

Lifeless seemed to be the best way to describe the still homely space - the empty illusion shattered by only that of the soldiers posted in certain areas.

Their presence - and lack thereof, was worrying to me - something I tried not to pay attention to and for once I was proud of how easily my presence could be missed.

The door to the study was long behind me - a distant memory my mind hadn't left alone for long - relentless in its pursuit to remind me of a now prominent conversation held earlier, to cease my actions and put me back in a place of so-called safety.

But I had accomplished more than just making my bed...no - no I had dug my grave, readied my place of rest and there was nothing I was going to do to change my mind.

I couldn't cave to empty held words - to threats of more than just my pride.

But even so...I couldn't just —

'Quiet.' I exhale, slowing my once quickened pace and my grasp tightens on the heels I let dangle by my side.

Distant voices were heard - unlike the distinct contents - and with caution I peer around the corner.

My gaze was on them for a fraction of time before I pulled it back behind the safety of the wall — four males not too far from my hiding place. Soldiers.

They seemed joyous in calm conversation - only one turned for me to have caught notice of his face in that short time...and the only clue as to their soon shifting frames, was the heavy clicking of boots on polished flooring.

They were walking - and I didn't care as to where as the clicking got closer and I pushed my back against the wall.

He had to have seen me. I was done for —
I wasn't going back, not after having made it so far; narrowly avoiding passing soldiers, staff memebers and silent halls. Not after hiding against corners or darkened rooms my frame ducked into.

I didn't care what the consequences of the king finding me were...even with the reminiscent image of his stern blue gaze - the many flooded thoughts wracking my head with the tone I knew he'd have or the gentle hand lingering on the more firm edge of control...I knew this was reckless, would only end badly if I were to get caught.

The clicking of a door then joined the noises heard before the area fell silent and as my eyes snap up to the wall across from me, I let go of a breath I had held onto with my life.

My shoulders fall with a hard swallow of reluctance, of fear filing away into nothingness that left my mind with dissatisfaction.

I needed to stay calm - despite the urge of nausea.

This wasn't childs play - no game nor the time to be foolish. I needed to be more careful, calculated with my actions.

I step away from the wall to glance at the hall that now lay empty, my eyes scanning the vacant area and as my bare feet tap on the cool, polished floor I turn to glance behind me - and the pair of soldiers standing at the far end. Their backs were turned in tall stature, yet even with their averted gazes I found myself to step lightly with quick paces.

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