~69~ Open up and one's soul will glisten

733 19 11

Word count: 2777

~~~ December 3, 1777 ~~~


(This is what you are wearing

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(This is what you are wearing.)

"I wanted....to take a moment to apologize." My voice cut through the brief quiet between the chatter of early morning greetings along the dining table - the gentle clinking of metal silverware on glass falling hush to mere background noise as attentions were drawn up and eyes settle.

Many questions were asked without words and I found myself shifting in my seat by the royal's side, fork set down beside my plate of breakfast before hands were clasped and shoulders slumped.

"I...I know I haven't exactly been the easiest to deal with. This past while especially speaking." I nodded to myself, keeping my gaze down and a chuckle was forced, a quiet response that helped fingers wring fabric of a more simple gown made of a pale blue fabric layered in sheer pieces.
"Really- sincerely...I am sorry- I know there are more apt ways in handling this...I just..."

"Find it hard?" Marion finished for me and my eyes shift up, a meek nod given to the woman who ate beside me. Her head tilted. "My dear child, emotional struggles are most often the hardest challenges to bring to the forefront. We do not hold resentment towards you- time is needed. Do not think you are to be rushed in thinking things over." The older woman reached over to draw her thumb over my cheek in a gestures I badly craved to last.
"(Y/n), you are a beautiful soul, a strong young lady...you just need to find that sparkle of yours again. When you're ready, we're here."

I couldn't help but match her caring smile as her finger brushed my skin.
My hand lifted, cupping hers and a breath was taken.
"Thank you." Was my answer, eyes flitting around to the people littering the table.
Warner hinted towards a soft expression, his side nudged by Samuel while Ainsworth nodded in contemplation. Marion hummed, taking my hand - her blonde hair falling in tamed whisps around her composed features.
"All of you." I found the king's hand, and he gave a gentle squeeze back as he smiled.

"I too...have a lighthearted apology to make." He spoke up in a smooth tone resembling his more laid back complexion. There was no royal red hues, no gold or highly intricate details - no powered wig masking soft, slightly curled cocoa brown tresses though his smile was just as warm as any other day I found him wearing it. It wasn't the king who held my hand - wasn't the king who sat beside me...no...no rather, it was George - just plain, normal George.

His hair was ruffled, dark locks framing his calm face and heartwarming irises. His attire was mostly cream hinted with aspects of dark brown and brass - a relaxed and toned down set of clothes for the male who didn't see his usual wardrobe as needed for the calm day.

"You do?" My smile was gentle, earned a chuckle as George rose from his seat - his warm hand helping to guide me from my own.

"Of course~" he teases, pulling me along the dining hall with a certain pep matching my step. "I, George, sincerely apologize for having to whisk you away from you peers, and wonderful breakfast." A light tap grazed my nose and I couldn't help but crack a smile. "But you see, I must."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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