Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Being locked in a room against her will was not on top of Lyla's to do list. Landon was an idiot. He would go hot and cold on her all the time and she hated it. All she wanted to do was go home, talk to Hamish and spend the day with Gabi.

And then there was school. She had it on Monday. She couldn't stay here. This was something that she would have to talk to Landon about because she could not miss year 11. It was too important and it was going to set her up for year 12. It was time for Lyla to get out.

She walked over to the door and tried to open it but she couldn't because it was locked. Why was Landon, a guy she barely knew, keeping her as a prisoner in this strangely large house? It was wrong and Lyla was going to go home.

Lyla then made her way to the window. This was a multiple story house but Lyla had escaped through the window of her house to go to the party so this wasn't going to be new for her. So that was what she did. She opened the window and climbed down.

When Lyla's feet were firmly planted on the ground, she looked around before she made a run for it. She had no idea where she was but she just ran into the woods. She was sure that she would be safe there. And then maybe she would be able to struggle to find her own way home. It would have been hard but she was going to look anyway.

The forest was thick and it was even hard to navigate during the day. Lyla was having a really hard time finding her way home. And the forest was also scary. Lyla never stepped foot in forest because the darkness and eerie sounds it made always scared her. Hamish always told her scary stories, like the mean big brother that he was, and because Lyla had always been a good girl, she would do as he said. Clearly she had broken a number of his rules lately and that did not feel good. Hamish would not be happy.

Lyla wished that Gabi was here to help. In times like this, Lyla found that Gabi was always able to lighten the mood. Maybe it was just her personality or exuberance. Either way, it was always good to have her around and Lyla wished that she was here right now. And also, in some strange way, Gabi was always able to find a way out of things. Lyla wanted that right now as well.

Lyla continued walking and something caught her eye. Yellow eyes. Yellow eyes that were looking at her. They were actually quite scary and it looked like whatever the eyes belonged to was coming closer to her. Lyla backed away but she was stopped by something. A large tree. Lyla groaned to herself. This was just what she needed it and she hated it.

Then a black flash caught Lyla's eye as it flew through the air. A wolf. It was a large black wolf. What was it with wolves lately? Last night, Lyla was sure that she saw wolves. The memories were coming back to her and they involved wolves. Grey ones. And a black one. Like the one that was here right now.

Landon was furious right now for two reasons. The first was the fact that his mate disobeyed. And the second was that Kyle, his Delta wolf, was going to shift right in front of Lyla. This could not happen and Landon was not going to let it happen. He bit Kyle on the scruff of the neck, telling him that he meant business.

"What the hell were you thinking, Kyle?" Landon mind linked the dark grey wolf who was almost black. Landon was the darkest wolf in the pack, his pelt as black as the night sky. There were some other wolves who were nearly black but they were still grey. And Landon's wolves were all in this colour pattern to let other wolves know that they were from The Silver Moon pack. Other than scent, this was the way to tell wolves apart when they were in wolf form. The tattoo that every member of Landon's pack sorted out that same issue when wolves were in human form.

"Forgive me, Alpha," said Kyle, "but what have I done wrong?"

"You were going to shift. In front of a human. What is our number one rule, Delta?"

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