Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Hamish's fist came into contact with his father's chin as soon as he stepped into the room. And Landon growled. Part of his theory was coming true and he hoped that the rest of it didn't. But he was a little hopeful because the hard glare that was on Edward's face had turned soft and upset. Maybe that was because he had seen his daughter and she was the one that he was planning to kill. Maybe he was thinking that he couldn't do it. He didn't have the heart to.

"Hamish!" screamed Lyla, bringing Landon back from his thoughts. He shook his head, bringing his full attention back. His full attention was needed right now because he was sure he was going to learn some valuable information.

"Sorry, Lyles," said Hamish, "but that had to be done."

"I am not so sure about that," replied Lyla, removing herself from Landon's arms, as she helped her father up and helped him sit on the bed.

Hamish glared at his father.

"Edward," said Landon, "I think they both need an explanation. As do I."

"You are a turned wolf, Lyla?" asked Edward.

"Yes," replied Lyla.

"And you are as well, dear old dad who lied to his kids for however many years. Were you planning on telling us? Did you know that it is your daughter who your kind want to kill? Just because I killed one of you disgusting beasts when I was 18?" Hamish snapped.

"I had no idea that it was Lyla who was the turned wolf. And I had no idea why you were the one who killed one of us. But I do know that revenge is sweet and turned wolves live off of it."

"Explain. The whole story."

"I have been a turned wolf for years, ever since I was a teenager and before I met your mother. She had, and still doesn't, no idea that I am what I am and I wanted to continue keeping that secret. Turned wolves are monsters but it doesn't mean we won't protect the ones we love. Turned wolves remain a secret, as do pure wolves, and if humans find out about us, we will be deemed as the monsters we are and we will be killed. That was why I did not tell the three of you. It was for the best."

Hamish scoffed.

Both Lyla and Landon were eager to hear more of this so they let Edward continue.

"How did you find out what I am, Hamish?" asked Edward.

Hamish shrugged his shoulders, "I followed you. But that is not what we are here about."

"If I had have known that it was my daughter whom I was out to kill, I wouldn't have done this."

Landon stood in front of his mate protectively. He didn't like the tone in Edward's voice right now and he could hear the little threats dripping through the words. Clearly it didn't matter that this was his daughter and the turned wolves were going to go through with their plan.

"What are you talking about, wolf?" Landon growled.

"Alpha!" Alex burst through the doors, "vampires. On our land."

Landon glared at Edward, "you said you called them off."

"I lied. These two may be my family but that doesn't mean I won't get my revenge," replied Edward before he looked at Hamish, "that wolf you killed, Hamish, all those years ago, was my son.

Hamish and Lyla's jaws dropped. They had a brother? One who they didn't even know about? And Hamish killed him. They could not believe this.

"Don't get your shirts in a twist," said Edward, "half-brother, to be precise."

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