Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Lyla had no idea who this guy was that was coming over to her, but she did admit, he was hot. No one ever approached her at a party and Lyla never thought that someone would. But this guy was hot and he was coming over to her. What did he want with her?

Maybe he was the kind of guy who wanted to sleep with some easy girl, the same type of guy who Lyla had feared would come to her. Why her? What did she do to deserve this? The last time she checked, she had been a good girl and she never misbehaved. Except for tonight. Maybe this was her brother's punishment.

"Take my hand," said the extremely hot guy.

Lyla was hesitant. She also couldn't help noticing the tattoo of a wolf head on his arm. Was it a coincidence? Lyla had seen a fair few people with this same tattoo. Not everyone had it on their arm but they did have the same wolf with the same piercing silver eyes. Maybe there was something about the Full Moon Party and wolves. Lyla shook her head. It couldn't be true.

"Please, darling," said the hot guy, "you have to take my hand."

"Why?" Finally Lyla found her voice.

"It's not safe for you here."

"Why do I have to come with you?"

"I'll protect you."

Lyla was shocked. She wasn't going to go with someone who she barely knew. What if this guy was planning to kidnap her or something? Hamish wouldn't be very happy if that happened and Lyla knew for a fact that she wouldn't either. She knew that she would be terrified out of her mind and she hated that.

Lyla folded her arms across her chest, "no."

Landon's wolf was furious. This girl should have wanted to come with him because she was his mate. Soul mates wanted each other, they wanted to be near each other. Landon guessed that she didn't want to come because she was human and this was not what Landon wanted. But his wolf wanted the girl so Landon was going to make her come.

"Please," said Landon.

"No," replied the girl.

"Do we have to do this the hard way, darling?"

"There is no such thing as the hard way if I am not going with you."

"It is dangerous here, especially for a human."

"For a human? You are a human as well so shouldn't you be trembling with fear?"

"Don't ask questions. Let's just go."

"I'm not going anywhere with you."

Landon growled. Why did this girl have to make it so hard? Landon didn't know if this girl knew about werewolves and he wasn't going to tell her until he knew that she knew about them. Landon could smell the turned wolves around him. It was too dangerous for a human to be here and Landon needed to make her listen. He was going to have to take her the hard way and he knew that she would protest.

Landon walked over to the girl, picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. She was protesting like hell, kicking her legs and pounding her fists against Landon's back. It didn't hurt him because he was a werewolf. He was strong. He knew that the girl would tire out soon and he just hoped that it was fast.

"Let me go, you idiot," the girl protested.

Landon smirked. He had his mate and he was never going to let her go. Alpha wolves were more possessive over their mates than other wolves so Landon was not going to let his mate go, "not a chance, darling."

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