Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Landon shifted into his black wolf as soon as he saw how Lyla was coping. She was beautiful in her silver grey wolf form but she was also dangerous and Landon knew that this would happen, not that he wanted it to.

Now Lyla was growling ferociously and Landon thought that she could have been scared or she was angry. If her wolf was in control, she was angry. And if controlling her emotions actually worked, she was in control and she was terrified as she was looking at the world through a wolf's eyes.

"Landon, what's wrong with her?" asked Hamish.

Landon snorted as he kept his gaze firmly on Lyla. It seemed to calm her down a bit but she was still growling. But anyway, Hamish knew that he couldn't talk to Landon when he was in his wolf form but he still did. Maybe it was because he was in shock because his little sister was now a werewolf. But it didn't matter because Landon was going to do what he could to calm her down.

Hamish gasped when he saw Landon growling at Lyla. He did not like the look of it and what if the wolves got into a fight? He could not let that happen, "Landon, don't hurt her."

If Landon was in his human form right now, he would have sighed with frustration. Did Hamish really think that Landon was going to hurt his mate? Landon was going to do nothing of the sort and all he was telling Lyla was to calm down. And he was also telling her that it would not be a good idea to challenge him because he would win and he would always be the stronger wolf.

"Would a lead help? I am sure I could find one," said Hamish.

Landon snorted again. Hamish was going crazy. But now it was time to see if he could talk to Lyla. If she was in control then he knew he would be able to talk to her. But if her wolf was in control, this was going to be impossible. Nevertheless, Landon had to try anyway for the sake of Lyla.

"Darling, it's me," said Landon.

No response.

"I know you are in there, Lyla. Talk to me."

No response again.

"Fight her, darling. Fight your wolf. Let her know that you are in control."

Still no response.


Landon was growing frustrated that he was being ignored right now, even though it wasn't Lyla's fault. Landon then made his way over to Lyla and he pressed his forehead against her's. He could feel that Lyla was in there somewhere and all he needed to do was get her out. But that was a pretty hard task seeing as her wolf was not keen to listen and she wanted to be in control.

"You have to do this, darling. For me and for your brother. Just let me know that you understand," Landon was pleading with his mate. He had never resorted to pleading before but there was a first for everything, or so he had been told.

Landon then removed his forehead from Lyla's as he felt her move. He looked at Lyla and her gaze was firm but he didn't know what she was looking at. So Landon turned his head and followed Lyla's gaze. To his surprise, he found that Lyla's gaze was stuck on her brother. Her gaze was firm. Her gaze was harsh. And it was cold. She looked hungry and Hamish was going to be the one to satisfy that hunger.

"Hamish, don't you dare run," said Landon. He knew that Hamish couldn't understand him but Hamish looked like he was going to take off. The number one rule of a faceoff with wolves, Landon had said, was never to run because wolves liked the chase. He assumed it was the same with turned wolves so he hoped that Hamish understood wolf body language.

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