Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Werewolves didn't exist, did they? That was what seventeen year old Lyla Boyle had grown up to believe even though her best friend Gabi Bryant had tried to convince her otherwise. Lyla was sure that she was right, wasn't she? She just had to keep telling herself that.

She did know about the strange things that happened in the town on full moons so that was a little weird but Lyla knew that it wasn't anything to do with some wolf like creature whose life was controlled by the cycle of the moon. Werewolves were not real. Lyla kept telling herself that.

And anyway, Lyla had never really believed in fairy tales like true love and that true loves kiss would break any curse so why would she believe in werewolves? A human that turned into a wolf and possessed wolf like qualities in human form was just that. A fairy tale. And it was a fairy tale that was full of nonsense that was not to be believed.

"The Full Moon Party is on tonight," said Gabi as she flopped onto Lyla's bed once she finished her homework. The girls were only in year 11 but the work was already piling up for this time of year and it was hard.

"The Full Moon Party? Are you serious?" asked Lyla with a raised eyebrow.


"So, why do I need to know about it?"

"Come with me."

"Why would I want to do that?"

"Because you are my best friend and you love me," said Gabi as she smiled suggestively, "and who knows? We might even see a werewolf."

"How many times do I have to tell you? Werewolves don't exist," Lyla sighed.

"You're just saying that because you are not a believer, unlike me."

"I believe in a lot of things."

"Yeah? Like what?"

Lyla thought. Fantasy was just that. Fantasy. Lyla didn't have to believe it if she didn't want to and Gabi wasn't going to make her, "mermaids," she suggested. That was the first thing that popped into her head.

"Mermaids don't exist."

"Neither do werewolves."

"Okay, you got me on that. Just come to the party with me? It's the Full Moon Party, Lyles. Anybody who's anybody will be there."


The thing about Gabi was that Lyla could never say no to her. When she put on her sad eyes, it was hard to resist. Today proved to be no different.

"What's this I hear about The Full Moon Party?" asked Lyla's twenty two year old brother, Hamish, as he came into his little sister's room.

Hamish was an extremely protective older brother and Lyla loved him for it. Lyla knew people who wouldn't want an overprotective big brother but Lyla wanted one. Hamish was always there for her and she couldn't ask for anything more. That was why he was the best brother in the world and Lyla loved him for it.

Hamish was also studying at university and he only went in two days a week. During his days off, he would be home studying and/or looking after his sister. It wasn't fair, according to Lyla, because she had to go into school five days a week while her brother had a five day weekend. Sometimes Lyla wished that she could trade places with him.

"Nothing," said Gabi.

"I know you too well, Gabs. What party?" replied Hamish matter-of-factly.

"The Full Moon Party."

"You're not going. Either of you."

"What? Why?"

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