Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

"Doesn't it feel good to not have to look over your shoulder all the time?" said Lyla as she and Gabi were looking through a clothes store at the shopping centre that was about an hour away. There were no shopping centres that were closer but Lyla wanted to shop so she didn't care how far away it was.

"How much danger are you actually in?" asked Gabi.

"Landon seems to think I am in a lot. So do I, after the vampires and all."

"I should have been there for you."

"It's okay, as I have said."

"Good. What are we going to do tonight?"

"Depends on what Landon is doing. Why?" replied Lyla.

"I want to do something fun. Maybe there is something fun in this town that we can do," said Gabi.

"Like what?"

"I don't know. A party or something."

"I don't think there would be a party in a sleepy little town like this."

"It's not that sleepy."

"I think it is."

"Well," Gabi thought, "there could be a fair or something."

"You would seriously go to a fair?" replied Lyla.

"I want to do something. Any event, even if it is as dull as a fair, will be fun."

"I don't know."

Lyla continued looking at the clothes, wondering if there was something fun that they would do. She wasn't sure if she felt like going to a party after what happened at the last one, with the turned wolves and all, and a fair. She wasn't really sure if one was here. But that could have been fun. Lyla remembered having heaps of fun at the town fair back at home when she was little. But she was seven or something back then and now she was seventeen. That was ten years ago so she was pretty sure that she had grown out of having fun at a fair.

"I suggest you find a dress, darling," said Landon as he came in and gave Lyla a kiss on the cheek. Normally he wasn't one to come into a girly clothes shop, being the big Alpha male that he was, but he was willing to make an exception this time because he was so happy. He had just received some news that he wanted to hear and he was so happy about that, "something to wear to a ball."

"A ball?" replied Lyla.

"Yes. Something princessy."

"What's going on?"

"I heard back from the Beta of Beta's. And we are going to see the Alpha King tomorrow and it just so happens that there is going to be a ball on. We have to fit in, don't we?"

"I guess we do."

"Then choose a dress. Of course I will have to approve of it but take your pick."

"Did you say ball gown?" Gabi beamed, "I have to get one."

"I am sorry, Gabi. You won't be getting a dress," replied Landon.

"What? Why?"

"This is a werewolf ball and humans are not welcome. If I bring a human to the ball, that will completely ruin my Alpha image. I am sorry."

"I am a human, Landon," said Lyla.

"No, you are a turned wolf. You may still smell of human but you are a wolf all the same. We just have to show them."

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