Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

The Lunar Cycle was nearly over. In a couple of days, Lyla would be turning into a wolf for the first time in her life. She just hoped that it wouldn't be as bad as the past few days she had been trying to put up with.

During the past few days, Lyla had still been angry and irritable and she had still taken it out on Landon. He had stood by her despite the fact that Lyla had been mean and rude to him and that just made Lyla fall even more in love with him. She was even considering saying that she actually loved him because she was definitely feeling it.

But that didn't mean that Lyla wasn't nervous for her first transformation. And she just wanted her family with her. Lyla found that she missed her brother more than anything in the world and she even wanted him with her when she transformed. She wanted this more than anything in the world.

But Lyla knew that Landon would never allow this. Werewolves had to remain a secret but Lyla didn't understand because Hamish was a human who knew about werewolves so why couldn't he know about Lyla. Maybe Landon would let Hamish be here if Lyla asked him nicely.

Lyla made her way Landon's office and went in. He had been busy reading lately. He had been busy reading a lot and Lyla found herself wondering why. Lyla was the one who was in school so she was supposed to be the one who was reading and reading and reading but Landon was. And the books that he was reading didn't even look to be the world's greatest books and Lyla had read better herself.

"Landon?" asked Lyla when she came in.

"What is it, darling?" replied Landon.

"I want to ask you something."


"You said that my first transformation is in a couple of days and I want Hamish, my brother, with me."

"That's not possible."


"The secret of werewolves can never get out."

"Hamish knows about werewolves. He knows about you," said Lyla.

"And when Hamish sees you transform, his sister who has been human for 17 years, will see that something is wrong. And what happens when humans see that something is wrong? If they are, 'sick?'" replied Landon.

"They take them to the doctor."

"And what is one thing that a doctor would do to find out what is wrong?"

"I don't know? Ask questions?"

"No. He would take blood. And you have werewolf blood flowing through your veins right now, even though you haven't transformed yet."

"But Hamish wouldn't do that. He understands the world of werewolves otherwise you wouldn't trust him like you do. You still wouldn't be friends with him and you wouldn't accept me as your mate. Someone who used to be human."

Landon did not want Hamish to be with Lyla for her first transformation. Yes, he was his best friend and yes, he was his mate's brother. But that didn't mean that Landon trusted humans with the secrets of werewolves because humans could never be trusted. Maybe Lyla and Hamish were exceptions for this because Hamish was Landon's best friend and Lyla was Landon's mate. But Landon did not want humans around while Lyla was transforming.

"Please, Landon," said Lyla, "don't you want to do anything to make me happy? Isn't that what werewolves do for their mates?"

"Yes, they do," replied Landon.

"So, do this for me. I am your mate and you want to make me happy. This will make me happy."

Landon groaned. Lyla's first shift was going to be dangerous. The turned wolves still wanted Lyla for a reason and when the moon was full, the turned wolves would be out in their wolf form, looking for Lyla. That was no place for humans and it was not safe. Even though Lyla wasn't a human anymore, it was going to be dangerous for her as well because the turned wolves wanted her. They wanted to kill her, by the looks of things.

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