Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

When Landon said that his mate wasn't going to die over his dead body, he meant it. She wasn't the one who brought the turned wolves because they followed her. They must have followed her and they must have been spying on her and Landon. That had to be the way that they found out that Lyla was coming here and they were going to kill her.

Landon shifted into his black wolf and he stood protectively in front of his mate. He was protecting her from the pure wolves, turned wolves and vampires. This was something that he didn't want to be doing because the pure wolves were supposed to be on his side about this.

"Alpha, what are we going to do?" asked Alex when he shifted into his brown wolf.

"I am going to protect my mate. The turned wolves have to die," replied Landon.

"Do you think the others will help?"

"I hope they do. I can't do this on my own."

"What will you have me do?"

"Take Lyla somewhere safe."

"Of course, Alpha."

In the meanwhile, Lyla was watching on in sheer terror. She couldn't believe that the turned wolves had come after her and now she was in real danger. What if she died today? She didn't want to die. Even though Landon had said that he would protect her and she wouldn't die, she was still worried that she did because the turned wolves did not look happy.

Lyla then watched as Alex, in his brown wolf form, came over to her and nudged her. He turned around, showing his back to her. Lyla knew what he was asking her to do. She grabbed a handful of fur in each of her hands and climbed onto his back. Lyla had never ridden a wolf before but there was a first time for everything, she knew. Now she could say that she had ridden a wolf.

"Where are we going?" asked Lyla when Alex took off at full pelt to find somewhere to hide his Alpha's mate.

Lyla knew that Alex couldn't answer her because they couldn't mind link one another but she asked the question anyway. She gripped his fur tighter as he sped up. Lyla had a feeling that he was taking her home because he was running at full speed down the mountain. So maybe he was trying to keep her safe and maybe Landon asked him to do this. Lyla was happy because Landon was trying his hardest to keep her safe and hopefully this would work.

Alex stopped in his tracks when he smelled a turned wolf. He growled at the wolf as he sat down to let Lyla slide off his back. Then, when Lyla was off of Alex's back, he leapt for the turned wolf, pinning his body to the ground. And then Alex didn't hesitate to tear his throat out because this wolf was not going to hurt Lyla. And when the turned wolf was dealt with, Alex asked Lyla to get on his back again and he continued running. He hoped that there were no more turned wolves to deal with.

When Alex and Lyla arrived home, Alex sat down again for Lyla to slide off his back. He then shifted into his human form and crouched down to check if Lyla was alright, "it's okay, Luna. You are safe now."

"What about Landon? He is going to get hurt," replied Lyla.

"He is a great fighter. He will be able to handle himself."

"You need to go and help him."

"I need to stay here with you and protect you. Those were my orders."

Lyla growled to herself before she headed inside. She hated this. She wished that she would be safe for once. She was sick of always having to look over her shoulder and worrying about being killed by the turned wolves. She even worried about what her father was going to do because he was gone. Maybe he was here and maybe he was the one who followed Lyla and Landon here. Lyla was terrified now and she hated it. And she nearly got a tear in her dress, but she didn't, so could this night get any worse?

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