Chapter 2

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"Hello?" I call out into the abandoned building. "Your right on time" a voice sneered, I sighed as he took my weapon. The gun my dad gave me. "I want that kept nice okay" I order the man nods. I nod before I was grabbed and forced into a chair "Who is your contact?" he asks, I tilt my head. "You" I say. He shakes his head. "I observe, for a fact you have two German shepherds, one is only a small pup. The older one is called Jasmine the pup is Ruso. Your bodyguard has two kids and a wife, sorry ex-wife that or cheating on her with the secretary. I would Go with both that's why you got a divorce?" I say. They both glare and I smirk a little I press the button on my watch. Come on light me up.

After more annoying talks a gun was placed to my head straight as the door bursts open. "Awh come on" I say causing Agent Galo to laugh at me. A team followed him in. Paige, woman, two men. I stopped on the last man as the cords were cut. Tobias. "TOBY!" I yelled before running and hugging him tightly. He hugged me back "For a moment I thought you were going to be dead" he says, I smile a little. "Your just jealous of me" I say, he glares. "Natalie" he warns. "Tobias" I mock, he smack me round the back of the head. "Heyyy that's mean!" I say pouting. "We need to debreif you" a guy from homeland says. I groan "Cabeeee I don't wanna debrief!" I whine. I get a glare from my supervisor and march off to the truck. I grab my gun on the way, I get in and the door slams shut behind me and Cabe. I lean against the wall as they talked, finally I was free. I had been transferred to a different team by the name of Scorpion.

"Nat!" Toby exclaimed as I stepped into the warehouse, I smiled "Hey Toby" I say happily looking around. "Natalie will be helping us, she is part of your team" Cabe says. My brother shakes his head "No she can't its too dangerous" he says angrily. I walk over and fling his elastic band "Owww" he whines, I hold my laughter as he glares at me. "Love ya too" I say. He rolls his eyes "She didn't get a choice" Galo tells everyone. Paige walks over and smiles "Paige am I correct?" I ask and she nods. "Natalie Green" I say shaking her hand. A man walks through the door with a boy, the boy was a genius! "This is my son Ralph" Paige says as the boy comes over. I nod "I'm drew" the man says. I shake it hesitantly, he plays baseball. I hate all sports. Team may move up to next league "Hope your team get in" I say making him look at me in shock.

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