Chapter 5

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We pulled back up and I stopped the car before looking at Walter "You wont tell them will you?" I ask and he shakes his head making me smile and get out. I follow him into the warehouse, Toby gives me a grin and I roll my eyes dodging out the way of a large bucket of water and only just managing to pull Walter out the way aswell. He pouted then I felt cold plunge on me and I gasped, I hugged my tummy afraid the scars might show as water came down. Toby started laighing but stopped under my glare and probably Walter as well. "Do you have spare clothes?" Toby asks and I give him a look. "Im not that type of girl you idiot" I say getting annoyed that it was getting colder and my clothes heavier. Walter gave me a smile "You might find a top in my stuff" he says before he went upstairs. I followed and he threw me a towel, I then noticed he was wet as well. I averted my eyes to the floor from his chest where his shirt had gone see threw. I pulled off my jacket and hung it up on the radiator before trying to dry my hair. "Here" Walter said before taking the towel from my hands, he rubbed it. We stayed like that until my hair wouldnt drip, I notice he had done his as well. I also noticed he wasnt wearing anything on his top half and looked at the floor making him laugh a little I rolled my eyes and pulled off my top his eyes went to my three scars. The door opened as Walter threw me a top "Whats-" the voice stopped as I pulled the top over my head. It was Toby and he was looking to where my scars where, I pulled the top down before pulling off my soaking jeans. The top came to midthigh, Toby lifted my chin "What happened?" He asks. I shake my head "It doesnt matter" I say pushing his hand away. I send a glance to Walter and see he was changed and watching the encounter awkwardly. "If Walter knows then I need to know" he exclaims, "So what if he knows" I snap. "I'm your brother" he states, I roll my eyes "So what you dont act like it" I respond. "Who was at your bedside when he put you in hospital? Who was there when you woke up!" He says throwing his hands in the air. "Really he put me into hospital I think you should remember the full reason! Second it was a way you got out of school" I respond. His eyes narrowd. "Oh we bringing up that accident!" He exclaims. "THAT ACCIDENT THAT LEAD TO NOTHING" he yells, my fist clench "THAT ACCIDENT MADE HIM MAD ENOUGH TO RAPE ME AND BEAT ME TO NEAR DEATH!" I scream back. He goes to touch me but I step back, "Guys whats going on?" A voice asks which I recognise as Happy. "I DIDNT KNOW HE WOULD DO THAT" Toby finally yells, I gave him the look. "REALLY HE DID HUNDREDS OF TIMES BEFORE" I yell, "THOSE WERENT MY FAULT YOU JUST COULDNT DO ANYTHING THE WAY HE SAID" toby carries on. I stop for a moment "Well Im sorry Im such a disoppointment to the whole goddamn family!" I say. I grab my bag which had my laptop in from earlier. I then storm out not crying. I drive off home to change. Get Bruno then we'll go somewhere new....

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